Buckle Up for More Liberal Angst

Remember the hullabaloo candidate Trump caused in the final presidential debate when he said he might not accept the results of the 2016 presidential election if it was “rigged” against him?

The mainstream media and political left went full-blown Trump Derangement Syndrome, sometimes referred to in the mental health community as Bat Guano Loco.

How ironic is it that the same folks who took umbrage at Trump’s claim about accepting the election results refuse to accept him as a legitimate president two years later?

Not to mention that there really was a plot to rig the election against Trump – followed by Deep State cloak and dagger games to force him out after his inauguration.

Even when they cheated by stacking their liberal deck of lies and deceit and hid their maniacal machinations from the voting public, the left still couldn’t win.

Since that time the left has grown increasingly hostile, mean spirited and nastier than Joy Behar at a Christian prayer meeting laying hands on the president.

This begs the question: what kind of temper tantrum will liberals throw if they fail to regain the House of Representatives? (They can forget about reclaiming the Senate due to their despicable behavior during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing.)

If Trump and the Republicans beat them again there’ll be enough liberal tears to irrigate the Sahara Desert until mid-century.

The wailing and gnashing of teeth will reach Biblical proportions not seen since Biblical times – or roughly since 2020 Democrat presidential front runners Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders were grade-schoolers.

Win or lose, Democrats have a serious problem best illustrated by the Marvel nemesis Venom. Just like Eddie Brock, the Democrat party has been taken over by a Symbiote form requiring a host body to carry out its nefarious plans.

The open borders/sanctuary cities crowd, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, #MeToo movement and Never Trumpers are the Symbiote life form and the Democrat party  – well, it’s the headless host body.

All these social justice groups have annexed the Democrat Party apparatus and moved it so far left it defies electoral gravity and political commonsense.

If the Dems win the House November 6, Speaker Pelosi (*shudder*) will have to work her Botox injection appointments around corralling the violent mobs her party has encouraged the past two years.

If they lose, the Symbiote will almost certainly ravage the host body and Democrats will become the 21st century version of the Whig party.

The downside for Americans is they’ll be forced to deal with the mess either way.

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. For those who believe in open borders, safe spaces, and who think free speech is hate speech, move on – there’s nothing here for you to see.

Photo source: washington times, independent.ie


Copyright 2018, Dean A. George©



Will Dr. Blasey Ford Show or Not?

California psychologist and Palo Alto University statistics professor Christine Blasey Ford is scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday at 10 a.m. that Judge Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her while both were in high school.

Ford’s high school yearbook photo

Statistics are all about probability, so here’s a probable statistic: there’s a very good probability that Dr. Ford doesn’t even show up, let alone testify, at tomorrow’s hearing.

Four reasons why:

First, since initially bringing the charges earlier this month, her story has crumbled faster than an Animal House cookie run over by the Indianapolis Colts offensive line.

Know the saying, “There’s no there, there?” With Dr. Ford’s story, there’s not only no there, there, but there’s also no where, when, or who was present. Her story has more holes than a a Special Forces gun range target.

Second, she’ll be under oath and her testimony will be subject to perjury charges. Not to mention the challenge of presenting as truth long repressed memories brought forward by hypnotherapy – 30 years after the fact.

Brett and Ashley Kavanaugh

Third, if any of this political soap opera is to be believed at all, she never wanted her allegations to go public.  Desperate to slow, delay and obstruct Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation, it was only after the confirmation proceedings were concluding that California Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein went public with the allegations.

It’s one thing to subvert a judicial confirmation by delaying the proceedings with outlandish allegations from afar, but something else entirely to testify under oath before millions on national TV.

Finally, if she does testify, the Democrats risk exposing their filthy deeds in this despicable charade, including who leaked Ford’s allegations to the Washington Post, whether she was asked specifically about Brett Kavanaugh on the polygraph we’re told she passed, and what Democrats promised her to come forward and testify.

If they promised that going public with her story was no big deal, she may want to consider who the real villains are.

Take it to the bank: there’s a better chance that this whole episode blows up in Democrats’ faces than Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testifies.

And if she does testify and tells the truth, complicit Democrats may have more to fear than Judge Kavanaugh does.

Photo sources:  tennesseestar.com, Jacquelyn Martin AP, cedarcityutah.com

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. For those who believe in open borders, safe spaces, and who think free speech is hate speech, move on – there’s nothing here for you to see.


Copyright 2018, Dean A. George©


Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearing: Day One

EDITOR’S NOTE: Since this article was posted, attorneys for Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford have reneged on their earlier pledge that she would be willing to testify under oath anytime, anywhere about her claims against Judge Brett Kavanaugh.  Regardless, many clowns and other liberal entertainers are sure to keep this confirmation circus going until Judge Kavanaugh is confirmed. 

Based on their pathetic efforts to obstruct the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, who knows what silly sophistry the Dems will exhibit next Monday when the esteemed judge and the “regressive hypnotherapy”-practicing California professor appear before the Senate to address 36-year-old scurrilous charges she raised anonymously two months ago.

Whatever political posturing they display, it’ll be hard for Democrats to outdo the political theatrics and somersaults of stupidity witnessed by millions when Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings began with multiple objections from “Car Mall” Harris, “I Am Spartacus” Booker and  “Klondikebar” Klobuchar.

Immediately after the hearing began, senators demanded one by one the hearing be delayed because, well, climate change or something. This was just like Director of Political Circus Productions Chuck Schumer scripted it.

Senators objected to everything from the vetting process and the number of Kavanaugh papers that weren’t provided to the 42,000 that were provided and the way Kavanaugh parts his hair.

“We cannot possibly move forward, Mr. Chairman, with this hearing,” said Kamala Harris at the top of the proceedings.  Sorry Car Mall, but they can and they did.

When that dog and pony show got old, enter the pink pussy hat parade and other Trump Derangement Syndrome protesters who were arrested one-by-one, but not before collecting their cash bail money from protest organizers. Over 60 protesters were hauled off and arrested in the worst mass case of needed spanking in recent memory.

Also on that first day of confirmation hearing temper tantrums, a fervent anti-Trump doctor almost blew up the Internet when tweeting a photo of Republican legal operative Zina Bash secretly flashing a “white power hand signal” to millions of viewers watching the hearings.

This brief melodrama was later quashed when Bash’s husband alerted the media that his wife was born in Mexico, her mother is Mexican, her father is Jewish, and her grandparents were Holocaust survivors.

Perhaps if the doctor had demonstrated more “patience,” she wouldn’t have committed intelligence malpractice.

Friends, never underestimate the ability of Democrats to obliterate commonsense and basic etiquette when the world is watching.  Hopefully in November voters will put them in a two-year timeout without supper or safe spaces.

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. For those who believe in open borders, safe spaces, and who think free speech is hate speech, move on – there’s nothing here for you to see.

Sources: realclearpolitics.com

Photo sources: dailysignal.com, slate.com, FOX2now.com


Copyright 2018, Dean A. George©

Deep State Game Show – The D.C. Squares

( TV ANNOUNCER) “One of these high level political insiders is sitting in the secret square, and the contestant who picks it first could win an all-expense paid trip to a special Caribbean hideaway to share with the insider of their choice! Which political insider is it?

“Is it…James Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper, Andrew McCabe, Bruce Ohr, Sally Yates, Peter Strozk, Lisa Page, or Robert Mueller?

Now here’s the Master of The D.C. Squares, Hot Rod Rothstein!”

ROTHSTEIN: “Good evening, and welcome to The D.C. Squares – America’s favorite Deep State game show! Hello insiders, how are you?” And welcome studio audience!  Now let’s meet today’s contestants:

“On my left and representing zero – uh, sorry – I mean ‘O,’ is Attorney General Jeff Sessions. AG Sessions served as the U.S. Senator from Alabama for 20 years before being named the United States’ 84th Attorney General. Welcome, Mr. Attorney General.

“On my right and representing “X” is the current 45th president of the United States, President Donald J. Trump.  President Trump had literally no political experience before beating out 17 veteran Republican politicians for the position he now currently holds. President Trump, welcome. Nice MAGA hat!

“Players, the object is to get three insiders in a row either, up, across or diagonally. It is up the player to decide if the insider is giving them a correct answer or making one up, that is how they win the square. Each square is worth $500 and if you successfully win the secret square, you and the insider of your choice will be treated to the Caribbean vacation surprise mentioned earlier.

“Players, if you’re ready, let’s begin: Attorney General Sessions, you won the coin flip held earlier off-camera. Which insider do you choose?”

SESSIONS: “Andrew McCabe”.

ROTHSTEIN: “I’m sorry Jeff, but you’ve recused yourself from the Russian Collusion investigation and are not allowed to ask questions of Andy McCabe. You also forfeit your turn. Donald, it’s your go.”

TRUMP: “I’ll tell you what Rod. I know what a fan of mine he is, so let’s go with Peter Strozk.”

ROTHSTEIN: “Peter, true or false: Do Virginia Wal-Mart shoppers who supported President Trump smell – true or false?”

STROZK: “Depends upon how close to Saturday night it is, Rod. (Audience boos) “No, Virginia Wal-Mart shoppers don’t smell. At least, any more than those that shop Dollar General or Family Dollar.”

TRUMP: “I’m going to trust Peter this one time, Rod. True.”

ROTHSTEIN: “That would be right, Donald – “X” gets the square. Jeff, it’s your go.”

SESSIONS: “Jim Comey, please.”

ROTHSTEIN: “Oh, I am sorry Jeff, but Comey was also a key player in the Russian Collusion investigation. Hopefully you’ll get another go after the mid-terms – but we doubt it.  Donald, it’s your turn.”

TRUMP: “Texting Queen Lisa Page, Rod.”

ROTHSTEIN: “Lisa, Hillary Clinton would have been the first president in presidential history to require Secret Service assistance for this?”

PAGE:  “Oh, I once texted this to a friend – and no, it wasn’t who you might think. (Audience boos)  The Secret Service would be in charge of transporting and ironing Preside-er, Mrs. Clinton’s pants suits.  Although, let’s be clear – Hillary would always be the one wearing the pants in that relationship.”

TRUMP: I think Ms. Page is lying – again.  Crooked Hillary’s presidential detail would have been required to carry her up and down stair steps, including on Air Force One, down to her personal Chardonnay wine cellar, and wherever on the White House grounds she planned to keep her unsecured email server.”

ROTHSTEIN: “That is right. Contrary to her supporters, Hillary not only can’t walk on water, but she navigates stair steps like a blind, peg-legged pirate marinated in rum-flavored Chardonnay.  “X” gets the square. Jeff, it’s your go”.

SESSIONS: “Uh, er, ummm…are there any non-Russian questions, Rod? Maybe questions to do with marijuana or MS-13?”

ROTHSTEIN: “Let me see. How about an immigration question Jeff?”

SESSIONS: “Yes, that would be great. Sally Yates to block, please.”

ROTHSTEIN:  “Sally, the Tsarnaev brothers’ parents immigrated here with their parents in 2002. The Tsarnaev brothers were a) Circus performers, b) Founders of a Brighton Beach restaurant chain, or c) the Boston Marathon bombers?”

YATES: “I remember seeing the Tsarnaev’s when they played Atlantic City a couple of summers ago. What a great show they put on! The Tsarnaev’s are circus performers.”

SESSIONS: “I disagree Rod. Tamerlan Tsarnaev and his younger brother Dzhokhar were charged with the Boston Marathon bombing, and Tamerlan was ki-”

ROTHSTEIN: “I’m sorry Jeff, but you recused yourself from anything involving Russian collusion.”

SESSIONS: “But they aren’t Russian! The Tsarnaev brothers were Kyrgyzstani-Americans! They were Muslims of Chechen descent!!”

ROTHSTEIN: “That’s right Jeff, but Russian intelligence sources did tip off the FBI about the Tsarnaev’s  being a threat weeks before the bombing, and…”

SESSIONS: “I recused myself from anything involving Russia,” the Attorney General said, hanging his head.

ROTHSTEIN: I’m sorry folks, but that’s all the time we have left in today’s D.C. Squares show, but tune in…”

TRUMP: “No, I’m sorry Rod, but that’s all the time you and all the Deep State insiders have because I’ve decided to declassify all the emails, texts and FISA application records you have refused to turn over to Congress for more than a year.  You can expect that declassification order soon…very soon.

“Johnny, or whatever your name is announcer guy, tell Rod and all the insiders of the Deep State Squares what they’ve won.”

ANNOUNCER: “Yes sir, Mr. President. Our Deep State insiders have all won an all-expense paid trip of a lifetime – for a lifetime, to… Guantanamo Bay, Cuba!”

STUDIO AUDIENCE:  Widespread applause and foot stomping.

TRUMP: “See, we’re keeping our promise to Make America Great Again and drain the swamp – one D.C. swamp critter square at a time. Thank you all for your continued support, and stay tuned for our upcoming prime time declassification special: DC Non-Confidential!”

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. For those who believe in open borders, safe spaces, and who think free speech is hate speech, move on – there’s nothing here for you to see.

Photo sources: pinterest.com, thegatewaypundit.com


Copyright 2018, Dean A. George©

Citizens are Pawns in Immigration Chess

The body of 20-year-old University of Iowa student Mollie Tibbetts was found August 21 in a remote Iowa cornfield following a month-long search.

The Democrats don’t realize it yet, but since that tragic discovery, their chances of winning this November succumbed in that same field where Mollie Tibbetts’ body was covered over by corn leaves.

Enough is enough.

I can hear the Democrat whining now: “The Republicans are politicizing Mollie Tibbetts’ death. Have they no shame?”

The Republicans aren’t politicizing the senseless tragedy of Mollie Tibbetts, but Democrats and progressives are politicizing the policies that got her killed. The Dems are telling everyone that will listen that they stand for open borders, amnesty and the elimination of ICE.

When 24-year-old illegal immigrant Cristhian Bahena Rivera was charged with Mollie’s murder the same day after leading authorities to her body, America got a sneak peek at America’s future if the Dems return to power.

An illustrative, stark sneak peek less than 80 days before the mid-term elections.

Republicans and Democrats deserve equal blame for our current patchwork quilt of insane border enforcement policies, but it’s the Democrat party alone who is now demanding open borders and generous amnesty policies.

As the citizen victim count rises and yet another innocent American is marked as a casualty of our shortsighted open borders policy, it’s becoming more and more apparent that the Democrat party values open borders and unfettered immigration more than they do the safety of Americans.

Presumably Democrats would prefer achieving unrestricted immigration without the mess of involuntary casualties, but what the heck – you can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs, right? If a ballooning body count of a few dead Americans is the price for replacing their dwindling base of voters, it’s a price Democrats are obviously willing to pay.

Got a problem with that? Then you’re a racist and xenophobe and should be deported yourself.

The Constitution says two of the federal government’s most important responsibilities are securing the nation’s borders and protecting the citizenry.

The heartbreaking death of Mollie Tibbetts is just another example of how they are failing to do either.

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. For those who believe in open borders, safe spaces, and who think free speech is hate speech, move on – there’s nothing here for you to see.

Photo sources: today.com, breitbart.com, voa.gov


Copyright 2018, Dean A. George©

Internet Timeout: Connect with God

Psalm 77:11-12 (NIV)  I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds.

It’s a scene frequently seen in public.  Adults sitting wordlessly together, reading and pecking away on their smart phones.

At one restaurant table I recently saw a young girl, maybe 9 or 10 years of age, sitting silent and bored while three adults were immersed in their smart phones, ignoring her and each other.

It always amazes me to see people go about their lives oblivious to life around them because they’re so absorbed with the inanimate device in their hand.

I wonder if this is what God experiences when Christians fail to take time for prayer and Bible reading?

We are so busy liking, tweeting, and pinning emoticons, memes and selfies that we fail to appreciate the wonders of the present and the beauty surrounding us.  Even worse, we waste so much precious time on trivialities rather than taking a few minutes of every day in prayer and meditation.

When the disciples asked Jesus why he spoke to the people in parables, he said, “The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them.” He continued, “Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand.”

Smart phone technology is fantastic and offers a terrific way of sharing the Word, but like TV and radio, it often is a mindless distraction that steals our time and attention from important things like prayer and Bible reading.

II Tiimothy 2:15 (KJV) says, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workmen that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividng the Word of truth.”

Today why not take a break from the Internet and take a few minutes to connect with God?

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. For those who believe in open borders, safe spaces, and who think free speech is hate speech, move on – there’s nothing here for you to see.

Source: abcnews.com, Brad Stine

Photo source: DrJays.com, quotesgram.com


Copyright 2018, Dean A. George©

That Sucking Sound is D.C. Swamp Draining

Do you hear that? Listen closely. Do you hear it now?

Slowly but surely, President Donald Trump is fulfilling yet another campaign promise. He’s draining the swamp of its swamp creatures and parasitic power suckers.

Exhibit A: On August 13 the public learned that Peter Strozk, the former FBI counterintelligence agent, texting fiend and wife cheater, had been dismissed the Friday before.

FBI Deputy Director David Bowdich overturned an earlier decision by the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility (a misnomer if I ever heard one) to allow Strozk continued employment with the FBI after a 60-day suspension.

A mere 60-day suspension for falsifying charges against a presidential candidate and scheming to overthrow a duly elected president would be the equivalent of taking away a teenager’s car keys and Internet privileges for bombing their school.

Strozk’s attorney warned that his client’s termination “should be deeply troubling to all Americans.”

Yeah, right.  I’ve been sleeping like a baby all week knowing that the smug and snarky Strozk was getting his comeuppance – with the promise of more to come.

Exhibit B: On August 15 White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders read a statement from the president announcing he was revoking the security clearance of former CIA director John Brennan.

Brennan was a disastrous CIA director with a security clearance.  If his “trumped” up Russian collusion narrative was true, why didn’t he stop it? Because it wasn’t. That makes him a liar rather than incompetent, but either way this guy shouldn’t be within 10 miles of classified information.

Naturally MSM types immediately commenced with their usual histrionics: “Trump’s suppressing free speech;” “he’s punishing his critics;” “he’s working from an enemies list,” and a personal favorite – “what he’s doing is Nixonian.”

If only the Deep State’s efforts to illegally influence an election, and weaponize government agencies in order to unjustly frame a duly elected president was as quaint as Watergate.

What the Deep State cabal has been doing the past two years makes the Watergate burglary look Rockwellian by comparison.

Progressive media types say Trump has assumed dictatorial powers by revoking Brennan’s security clearance, but Huckabee-Sanders said the president has a constitutional responsibility to protect classified information – hence Brennan’s firing was legitimate.

But wait…it gets better.

Washington’s “Steel Magnolia” press secretary added that several other former and current Obama administration officials are being considered for having their clearances revoked: James Clapper, James Comey, Susan Rice, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr and others.

If the media thinks a few Obamaites losing their security clearances, and others being demoted and terminated is the end of this sordid D.C. soap opera, they need to stay tuned…this show is only getting started.

Sources: nbcnews.com, greggutfeld

Photo sources: thegatewaypundit.com, nationalreview.com, me.me

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. For those who believe in open borders, safe spaces, and who think free speech is hate speech, move on – there’s nothing here for you to see.


Copyright 2018, Dean A. George©

Protesters Perform Free Broadway Show

The adage “The show must go on” is often associated with the theater, but it’s origins actually go back to 19th century circuses.

Knowing that, the adage is still appropriate considering the recent protest circus sponsored by Rosie O’Donnell and her Broadway show troupe of progressive malcontents.

On August 6 Rosie and a horde of Broadway stars clustered in Lafayette Park across from the White House and protested President Trump and his policies – in song.

If those witnessing the event were hoping to hear protest classics such as “We Have Overcome,” “Revolution” or “This Land is Your Land,” they left sadly disappointed.  Instead the protest featured show tunes from Les Miserables and The Sound of Music.

Nothing says we hate Trump like “Climb Every Mountain” and “Do You Hear the People Sing.”

Inspired by #KremlinAnnex, an ongoing series of grassroots Trump protests in response to Trump’s meeting with Vladimir Putin last month, O’Donnell thought it would be clever to fill a bus full of Broadway performers and protest the president by serenading the White House.

All that was missing was Robert Mueller’s team sniffing around #KremlinAnnex for Russian collusion, while nonchalantly mingling with protesters wearing  (I’m not kidding) T-Rex and shark costumes.

That’s not Broadway, it’s theater of the absurd.

In case those in attendance missed the gravity of the protest/musical, Rosie said this:

“Where we are as a nation, we have now till November to see whether or not democracy is going to survive.”

Note to Rosie: If America can survive pretentious protesters like you and musical company members from Hamilton and The Phantom of the Opera lecturing voters about what a liar and traitor our president is, it can survive anything.

To recap: a busload of Broadway performers, led by Queen of Never Trumpers Rosie O’Donnell, chose to protest a president who wasn’t there, charging him with crimes he never committed (treason), by singing tunes from classic Broadway shows, while accompanied by anonymous people in silly costumes.

Just another case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, but at least one you can dance to.

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. For those who believe in open borders, safe spaces, and who think free speech is hate speech, move on – there’s nothing here for you to see.

Sources: abcnews.go.com, deadline.com

Photo sources: abcnews.go.com, Advise Media Network, twitter.com


Copyright 2018, Dean A. George©







Straw Poll: Seattle’s Straw Ban Sucks

Was Seattle’s goofy effort to ban plastic straws and utensils July 1 the last straw for commonsense?

Is banning the durable plastic straw the infamous straw that broke the camel’s back?

Will July 1, 2018 be forever known as Seattle Slew Plastic Straws Day?

Of all the problems America faces (illegal immigration, terrorist threats and Antifa whiners), Seattle is the first major city to go all in on combating…plastic.

With the mid-term elections less than 100 days away, the left is literally grasping at straws when it comes to addressing serious issues Americans care about.

While cities like San Francisco, Portland and Seattle adopt sanctuary city status and subsidize homelessness, all these progressive utopian cities are also confronting disgusting “byproduct” issues like public urination and disposal of #2 droppings.

Meanwhile, Seattle’s 5,000-plus restaurants are threatened with a $250 fine for providing patrons with a hygienic-friendly, plastic straw or eating utensil.

And that was after more than 200 Seattle eateries voluntarily adopted the ban last year.

Imagine dining in The Emerald City but having to sidestep syringes, urine puddles and human feces to get to a restaurant. If that doesn’t whet your appetite, after checking the bottom of your shoes and once seated, you are then denied a plastic straw because Seattle views them as what? An environmental health hazard.

Happily I don’t live in Seattle, but if I did they’d have to pry my plastic spork out of my cold, dead fingers.

I live in Indiana where plastic straws are not on the endangered products list, but where the nation’s only paper straw manufacturer is located in the state’s second largest city, Fort Wayne.  And Aardvark Straws is enjoying unprecedented growth thanks to plastic-phobic cities like Seattle and Malibu, California.

So three cheers from the Heartland for progressivism! Your paper straws are what stirs our free market drink.

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. For those who believe in open borders, safe spaces, and who think free speech is hate speech, move on – there’s nothing here for you to see.

Sources: thehill.com, indystar.com, aardvarkstraws.com

Photo sources: newsmax.com, memegenerator.net


Copyright 2018, Dean A. George©



Dems Pin Hopes on a Latina Lodestar

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the Latina gift that keeps on giving – to Republicans.

Since upsetting 20-year-incumbent Joe Crowley in New York’s June primary, the avowed Democratic-Socialist has become the darling of progressives and in the words of DNC chair Thomas Perez, the future of the Democrat party.

Wait a sec. President Trump recently said that Maxine Waters is the face of that party, so Ms. Cortez must be the post-face lift face of the Democrat Party.  Regardless, to quote yet another Democrat face: “What difference does it make?”

Since the 28-year-old Latina first came to the nation’s attention, she has demonstrated the political acumen of a 7th-grade social studies student and the oratorical skills of former Vice-President and longtime former Delaware senator “Crazy Uncle” Joe Biden.

For instance, when recently asked by a PBS host about what she meant by the occupation of Palestine, she said this:

Surely her comment about not being a geopolitical expert was self-deprecating humor since she majored in international relations and economics at Boston University.

It must have been an interesting economics class at BU what with all the talk about “no holds barred, Wild West, hyper-capitalism.”

Further demonstrating her grasp of how the economy works, she had this to say about the record low unemployment numbers under Trump.

“The unemployment rate is low because everyone has two jobs. Unemployment is low because people are working 60, 70, 80 hours a week,” Ms. Ocasio-Cortez said during her PBS interview.

Guess we need to revise the bumper sticker that says “My Labrador is Smarter Than Your Honor Roll Student” to read “My Labrador is Smarter Than Your Millennial Grad. ”

And finally there was Alexandria the Great’s recent appearance stumping with that curmudgeonly Vermont socialist Bernie Sanders in Kansas. In the clip the Democrat diva said she and Bernie were there to help flip the state red.

Apparently Boston University offers primary colors art courses in their curriculum, too.

Whatever color Ocasio-Cortez flips, Democrats should know that embracing socialist candidates like her mean the Democrat Party isn’t in Kansas anymore.

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. For those who believe in open borders, safe spaces, and who think free speech is hate speech, move on – there’s nothing here for you to see.

Sources: washtimes.com, lifezette.com foxnews.com, Lexy PoliticalRYT
Photo sources: Elite Daily, HotAir.com


Copyright 2018, Dean A. George©

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