‘Government Gangsters: The Deep State, the Truth, and the Battle for Our Democracy’

Surreal novelist Joseph Heller once wrote, “Just because your paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t after you.” Kash Patel, President Trump’s nominee to head the FBI, survived a bevy of encounters from Deep State folks who really were out to get him when he held a number of high-level government positions …

‘Turning the Page’ on the Hapless Department of Education

I recently heard from a virulent Never Trumper about the president-elect’s pledge to terminate the federal Department of Education. Academic sheeple seem to think that revoking the bureaucratic behemoth will lead to the closure of scores of colleges and universities. In the famous slurred words of our outgoing current president, …

Final Battle: The Next Election Could Be the Last – Book Review

Type: Non-fiction

Category: Political Parties

Author: David Horowitz

Pages: 256

Publisher: Humanix

List Price (Hardcover): $22.99

The late Walt Kelly’s comic strip character Pogo famously opined, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.” Bestselling author and political commentator David Horowitz proves Pogo’s point masterfully in his latest book, “Final Battle: The Next Election Could Be the Last.”

Horowitz asserts that the Democrat Party is the real danger to democracy as they continue chipping away at the foundation of our constitutional republic.

Alarmingly, they are closer to succeeding at remaking America than many realize.

Raised by Communist parents, Horowitz knows exactly where today’s progressives are steering America, and his book is a klaxon horn warning Americans the ship of state has passed the reefs of political fascism and is in serious danger of grounding itself on the shoals of a totalitarian future.

“When the president of the United States declares, as Joe Biden did in 2019, that ‘systemic racism…has been built into every aspect of our system,’ he is endorsing the anti-American radicalism of critical race theorists, Black Lives Matter activists, and cultural Marxists,” Horowitz writes.

Beginning with the questionable election results of the November 2020 election, Final Battle takes readers on an instructive tour of Democrat planned destruction designed to defame America’s history and traditions, undermine the integrity of our elections, politicize our government agencies, indoctrinate the military with mandatory critical race theory instruction, and obliterate our borders by granting noncitizens voting, welfare and healthcare privileges.

Final Battle indicts events of the last three years, including the Left’s impotent response to the Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots in the summer of 2020. It also addresses the faux J6 insurrection and the sham impeachments of Trump, noting that the House impeachment managers didn’t bother delivering the second impeachment charge to the Senate until five days after Trump left office.

“In other words, Democrats were intent on removing a private citizen from an office he no longer held. This made no sense except as a perverse expression of their obsessive hatred of the man himself,” Horowitz notes in Chapter 2.

Horowitz doesn’t mince words in Final Battle, mapping out in 11 economical chapters how citizens’ constitutional rights are frequently being undermined by politicians, bureaucrats, military leaders, federal courts, government health agencies and non-governmental organizations funded by radical financiers like George Soros and Tom Steyer.

“Culture matters. In their zeal to remake the world, Democrats have ignored the consequences of their actions and the human tragedies they have caused,” he writes on the open border crisis. Calling open borders “a terrible idea,” the authors adds, “No other country of consequence has them. In their zeal to gain political power, Democrats have grossly diminished the societies they govern and the lives in their care.”

In Chapter 7’s “Reimagining the World,” Horowitz reiterates the problem with progressives’ unrealistic plans: “The chief problem with utopian schemes: the detachment from reality that comes from replacing the lessons of experience with ideological dogmas.”

Horowitz not only torches liberal cows like Black Lives Matter and the Green Agenda, he also highlights names he blames for much of the unrest the past three years, including Joe Biden, Anthony Fauci and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Granted special recognition for his hypocrisy and disloyalty to his oath of office is Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley.

Two examples Horowitz noted included Milley’s analogy of comparing Donald Trump to Adolph Hitler, and his flip flopping when Trump wanted to invoke the Insurrection Act when a Black Lives Matter mob torched the Church of the Presidents in Lafayette Square. Milley belittled Trump’s request, telling the president, “When guys show up in gray and start bombing Fort Sumter, you’ll have an insurrection. I’ll let you know about it,” Milley said.

Later when Biden and Nancy Pelosi referred to January 6 as an insurrection, Milley “remained dutifully and irresponsibility silent,” Horowitz quotes two Washington Post reporters.

“That such a confused, ignorant and fanatical individual is the head of America’s military forces ought to be deeply troubling to anyone concerned not only about civilian control of the military but the security of America itself,” Horowitz writes of the four-star general who helped mastermind America’s worst military event since Pearl Harbor.

Final Battle is buttressed by 34 pages of foot notes and is written in a format that is succinct, comprehensible and reads like a novel. Horowitz has again done America a favor defending it from forces working tirelessly to transform it into another failed utopian state.

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love personal liberty, capitalism, and who believe God has blessed America.

Copyright 2023, Dean A. George© 

2000 Mules: They Thought We’d Never Find Out. They Were Wrong – Book Review

Type: Non-fiction

Category: Elections, Political Corruption and Misconduct

Author: Dinesh D’Souza

Pages: 208

Publisher: Regnery Publishing

List Price (Softcover): $26.99

Dinesh D’Souza has the receipts on what happened in the fraudulent 2020 election, and he shares all of them in Amazon’s best-selling 2000 Mules: They Thought We’d Never Find Out. They Were Wrong.

Following his successful documentary by the same name, D’Souza lays out the allegations of voter fraud and election irregularities with such specificity and incontrovertible evidence that Never Trumpers and deluded Democrats will find it hard to rebut the eyewitness testimony, video confirmation and geotracking evidence he reveals.

The 2020 election was arguably the most corrupt election in modern times, and those responsible are still at large and running (and ruining) the country, notes the successful author, film producer and podcast host. D’Souza provides even more documentation, empirical evidence, and mathematical probability in his book than he did in his documentary.

“The Democrats stole the rights of the American people to choose their own elected leader. They stole our vote,” D’Souza writes. “I, for one want them to return what they stole, and I highly doubt that I am alone in that sentiment.”

The political playing field is littered with many who have alleged election fraud but failed to prove it, but D’Souza succeeds in his slim 10-chapter book. 2000 Mules shows through cyber forensics as reliable as DNA and fingerprints how the Democrats arguably engineered the biggest election fraud in U.S. history, why it matters and how to prevent them from ever doing so again.

True the Vote

The core of D’Souza’s book and documentary revolves around the cyber sleuthing conducted by True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht and her business partner, Gregg Phillips.

Engelbrecht founded True the Vote in 2010 as a nonprofit organization to get citizens involved in the process of ensuring honest elections. She was targeted early on by the Obama Administration’s IRS, OSHA, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and the FBI but the Texas native has been relentless with her crusade of exposing election fraud.

Her partner Gregg Phillips has been tracking election fraud for decades and has likewise been harassed by government entities since partnering with Engelbrecht. In fact, shortly after the release of the 2000 Mules book, both Engelbrecht and Phillips served nearly a week in jail for refusing to release the name of a whistleblower who helped expose illegal election activities in Michigan.

The Validity of Geotracking

Geotracking is the means of identifying the current or past location of individuals using specific cellphone ID that reveal a user’s precise location at any given moment. It is used routinely in intelligence and law enforcement work and True the Vote used it to track mules engaged in paid ballot trafficking.

D’Souza points out that ballot harvesting, or vote harvesting, is legal in 27 states, but ballot trafficking (casting absentee ballots or mail-in ballots without voter authorization) is illegal in every state, doubly so if the trafficker is being paid.

By analyzing the geotracking signals of 2000 ballot mules paid to deliver ballots at multiple drop boxes in the five swing states that all went for Biden, D’Souza argues the Democrats knew precisely where they had to cheat and by how much to swing the election.

“This evidence acquired by True the Vote shows coordinated fraud on a giant scale, unprecedented in a presidential election,” he writes in Chapter 4, Herd of Mules.

True the Vote did not stop with collecting and analyzing geotracking data, D’Souza notes. They further supplemented their thesis with four million minutes of video evidence taken of the illegal ballot trafficking in swing states during the 2020 presidential election and the January 2021 Georgia U.S. Senate runoffs.

There would have been much more footage to review but the swing states either refused to provide footage (some claimed they had no footage at all despite legal requirements cameras be utilized at all ballots drop locations), others had their cameras turned off or pointed the wrong direction, and some states provided images of such low quality they were useless.

Following the Facts           

2000 Mules provides even more empirical evidence outlining the breadth and scope of corruption in the 2020 election, including: non-profit agencies organizing and orchestrating ballot drops (Chapter 6’s Old School Heist), the dark funding schemes financing the operation, (a shout out to Mark Zuckerberg in Chapter 7’s Following the Money), and why the Republican establishment response was such a failure (Chapter 8’s Looking the Other Way).

D’Souza addresses complaints to his findings with masterful precision in Chapter 9’s Objections and Refutations, including those skeptics questioning the accuracy of geotracking, the validity of video evidence (don’t believe your own eyes), and those foolishly arguing that ballot trafficking is legal. It isn’t. Anywhere.

The book’s final chapter is based on suggestions from experts on how to fix election fraud, including increasing the number of poll watcher volunteers and citizen challenges on the county and municipal levels; demanding federal Republican officials focus more on the nuts and bolts of counting the votes rather than merely getting people out to vote, and prosecuting those who violate existing election law.

D’Souza concludes his impressive work by acknowledging it is unlikely that Biden will be removed from office or that there will be a redo of the 2020 presidential election, but adds a stunning admission as to the only way he believes integrity can be restored to our elections:

“To rectify the desecration of the 2020 election by the Democrats, the prize must go to the actual winner. Far-fetched though it may be to bring about, it’s the only way to fully restore the integrity of the democratic process that was grossly and criminally corrupted in the 2020 election.”

John Adams famously noted an important trait about facts that critics of 2000 Mules would be wise to consider: “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love personal liberty, capitalism, and who believe God has blessed America.

Copyright 2022, Dean A. George© 

Don’t Go to College: A Case for Revolution – Book Review

Type: Non-fiction

Category: Cultural Policy, Education

Author: Michael J. Robillard, Timothy J. Gordon

Pages: 234

Publisher: Regnery Publishing

List Price (Softcover): $26.99

The book “Don’t Go to College: A Case for Revolution” should come with a trigger warning for those in higher education.

College students and their professors in ivory towers will find safe spaces and support animals useless when reading this book. A better safe space would be a nuclear fallout shelter because authors Michael J. Robillard and Timothy J. Gordon go nuclear on today’s mass indoctrination courses in higher education.

Robillard is an Iraq War veteran, independent scholar and philosopher, and Gordon is the author of numerous books and hosts the Rules for Retrogrades podcast.

The authors don’t mince words because they have experienced the rapid disintegration of higher education from inside the college bubble as both students and professors. Between them they hold six post-graduate degrees, and Gordon gained national notoriety in 2020 when he was canceled as theology chairman from a California Catholic high school for his opposition to Black Lives Matter.


The premise of their book is simple: colleges and universities have become an inversion of their original purpose: rather than a whetstone to sharpen a student’s intellectual skills and hone critical thinking abilities, instead they are mass producing young adults who are infantilized, arrogant and bereft of marketable skills that enable success.

Or as the authors quote British journalist and Oxford graduate James Delingpole: “Universities are madrassas of woke stupidity.”

The second chapter on Wokeism centers around the intersectionality spiderweb: Critical Race Theory, Anti-Colonialism, Feminism, LGBTQ+.

“The “+” sign is a conceptual placeholder for literally any and all future ‘marginalized’ groups imaginable, no matter how niche, bizarre, vicious, contradictory, illogical, incoherent or detrimental to individuals and civilizations as a whole. Indeed, the weirder and more niche, and therefore more marginalized, the better,” the authors write.

Whether describing the history-illiterate 1619 fallacy or legitimizing cross-dressing men who insist they can get pregnant, the authors summarize much of the woke thinking simply: “In other words, we’re supposed to deny reality and affirm someone else’s desire to live in a fantasy world.”


Michael Robillard M.A., M.A., Ph.D

Aside from higher education’s emphasis on wokeism and the routine trashing of America, the authors also cite the ruinous debt students accumulate when pursuing a four-year degree, noting that in the last 20 years average college costs have more than doubled.

“Like drug dealers, college administrators want to get you hooked on the opiate of higher education so they can profit further,” the authors write in Chapter 3. “Given how many kids now go to college – and given how academically subpar college has become – an undergraduate degree is effectively the equivalent of your grandfather’s high school diploma.”

The book makes it clear that the scourge of liberal/progressive neo-Marxism infecting America’s campuses is not relegated to just liberal arts colleges and the social sciences, but even schools and curriculums focused on science and mathematics.

“The same neo-Marxists who corrupted the humanities are just as eager to corrupt the sciences. If they succeed in doing so, the results could be catastrophic,” the authors warn. “We’ve seen politicized science many times before – most notoriously in the great tyrannies of the twentieth century.”

Timoth J. Gordon M.A.,Ph.L., J.D.

In Chapter 5 the authors expound on how universities are little more than adult day care centers and how they retard the maturation process in young adults.

“Moms and dads alike want their kids to ‘grow up’ and ‘gain experience,’ not realizing that the experience their kids will gain will not be morally formative and that they are actually discouraging their kids from growing up,” they bluntly state.

Aside from the cultural indoctrination and crippling debt a college degree entails, the authors also warn parents of a third red flag on the majority of college campuses: sexual degeneracy. Commenting on the frequent cases of students getting blackout drunk and engaging in transactional sex, the authors write:

“Our society as a whole seems unconcerned about how this might alter the moral outlook of generation after generation, not just in terms (at a minimum) of legitimized fornication, promiscuity, and sterility, but also in terms of normative sexual boundaries and definitions of deviancy (as with the LGBTQ+ movement, which is stronger on campus than anywhere else).”

In lieu of college, what the authors prescribe is learning a trade or pursuing a career that pays while you get on-the-job experience. So rather than racking up thousands of dollars in debt and being indoctrinated by professors who have never held a real job, you can educate yourself like George Washington and Benjamin Franklin did while earning a respectable living.

The book quotes renowned blue collar advocate Mike Rowe to support their thesis: “We’re lending money we don’t have to kids who can’t pay it back to train them for jobs that no longer exist. That’s nuts.”

The authors note that some careers like lawyers and doctors do require college, so in Chapter 6 they provide a list of “safer” schools for undergraduate studies.

For most students though, Robillard and Gordon suggest pursuing a self-education by narrowing down a subject specialty by reading “A Student’s Guide to” books in the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI Books) series or Regnery’s Politically Incorrect Guide courses. Both of those series cover curriculum studies universities used to teach minus the leftist mumbo jumbo taught today.

Forty-nine pages of this profound book reproduce 19th century theologian John Henry Newman’s discourse on what a university should be and a sobering epilogue by Robillard on why he now disavows academia.

Informative, provocative and refreshingly candid, this perceptive book provides a cogent argument why society needs to rethink the necessity of a college education and pursue more practical alternatives that will help citizens and our country be the best we can be.

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love personal liberty, capitalism, and who believe God has blessed America.

Copyright 2022, Dean A. George© 

Book Review – Mary’s Voice in the Gospel according to John

Type: Non-fiction

Category: Christianity

Author: Michael Pakaluk

Pages: 328

Publisher: Regnery Gateway

List Price (Softcover): $16.99

The Gospel according to John has long been considered different than the synoptic gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. The latter tell the story of Jesus Christ from the disciples’ perspective, while the former describes Jesus’s life and ministry from Christ’s viewpoint.

Catholic University Professor Michael Pakaluk’s book is a new translation of the Gospel of John complete with insightful commentary and a verse-by-verse overview. Many passages were translated from original Greek texts. His work is premised on the idea that Mary was a significant influence on John’s approach to his Gospel.

John the Evangelist is historically known as Christ’s beloved disciple and the longest living of the apostles, but Pakaluk offers another significant reason in Mary’s Voice in the Gospel according to John why that Gospel is unique: Jesus in his dying words on the cross committed his mother to the care of John for the remainder of her days.

John 19:26-27 (KJV): “When Jesus then saw His mother, and the disciple whom He loved standing nearby, He said to His mother, ‘Woman, behold, your son!’ Then He said to the disciple, ‘Behold, your mother!’ From that hour the disciple took her into his own household.”

It is believed that Mary died in 60 or 65 AD and the disciple and Mary lived together for 30-35 years. Both Mary and John were believed to be contemplative people and the author suggests that no one could have lived with the Lord’s mother that length of time without being moved by her understanding of the life and mission of her Son.

“Together they shared a single love, and, like others who deeply miss the presence of their beloved, they would have yearned to be closer to him by remembering together what they had noticed about Jesus, what he had done, and in what setting,” Pakaluk writes in his Introduction.

In his fascinating translation the author identifies those parts of John’s writing which may have been influenced by conversations and recollections with the mother of Christ.

For example, who knew Jesus and his special calling better than his mother? And in John’s Gospel women play a much more significant role than in the other three gospels, from the wedding at Cana where Mary informs Jesus the hosts are out of wine (Jesus performs his first miracle), to the Samaritan woman at the well and the different women witnessing Christ’s crucifixion up close and personal.

“A Gospel dominated by the themes of sorrow and separation at death and the joy of reunion and birth is exactly what one would expect the mother of the Christ to tell,” Pakaluk writes.

Pakaluk believes Mary may have helped shape John’s thinking explicitly and implicitly. Explicitly Mary may have pointed out details to John personally. Implicitly John surely noticed Mary’s lifelong attitude to serve; her contemplative insights about her son, and John’s choice to emulate the Lord’s example of love and devotion for the woman who birthed Jesus.

A professor of ethics and social philosophy in the Busch School of Business at Catholic University in Washington, D.C., Pakaluk counts 19th century English theologian John Henry Newman as one of his major influencers and quotes from his sermons and published works frequently in this book.

“Newman has a special insight into the Gospel of John,” the author told an audience at the Catholic Information Center last year. “Newman’s insights into the characters in the Scriptures is extraordinary. I’ve learned how to read the Bible, especially the New Testament, from Newman.”

As he did with his earlier work The Memoirs of St. Peter: A New Translation of the Gospel According to Mark, Pakaluk enjoys utilizing a different approach to his research and writing. He conducts his literary archeology by exploring the formation of texts influenced through other persons rather than previous texts.

His translation of Mark’s Gospel was written through the perspective of the Apostle Peter, and John’s Gospel is viewed largely through the prism of Mary’s insights and recollections. Regarding his approach to translation, Pakaluk admits to wanting to write works that are crisp and striking.

“If someone reads this and says it’s like reading the Gospel of John for the first time, it’s a success, “the author says.

That approach has won over readers in two of the four gospels he has translated, and one can only hope Pakaluk is planning similar efforts with the Gospels of Matthew and Luke.

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love personal liberty, capitalism, and who believe God has blessed America.

Copyright 2022, Dean A. George© 

Battle for the American Mind: Uprooting a Century of Miseducation – Book Review

Type: Non-fiction

Category: Federal Education Legislation

Author: Pete Hegseth and David Goodwin

Pages: 288

Publisher: Broadside Books

List Price (Hardcover): $17.99

It’s impossible to maintain a constitutional republic like America’s with a citizenry who can’t think for themselves. Thanks to Progressives’ stranglehold on public education, millions of Americans are bereft of critical thinking skills due to decades of indoctrination.

It’s widely believed this insidious indoctrination in public schools dates back to the 1960’s, but as bestselling author and Fox and Friends co-host Pete Hegseth and magazine editor David Goodwin detail in their excellent book, the Progressives’ game plan to control the “supply lines” of future citizens goes back 120 years.

A central thesis of their brilliant book promoting classical Christian education revolves around a Greek word called “paideia.” This little-known word has been a linchpin in Progressive plans to hijack education because it involves the “rearing, molding and education of children.”

American Progressives knew, like the ancient Greeks, that the best way to control culture was by controlling education.

As the authors point out, whereas the ancient Greeks used paideia to promote godly virtues like wisdom, courage, and justice, Progressives removed the religious context and over time adopted pseudo-virtues based on scientism principles like race, gender, and oppressor/oppressed identities.

“Hence the term ‘virtue signaling’ when these are on exhibition. But these ‘virtues’ are based in cultural Marxism, not Christianity,” the authors write in Chapter 8, Reason and Virtue. In other words, Progressivism is not attached to a divine ideal but rather humanism and the pursuit of a godless utopia, or what the authors call the Cultural Marxist Paideia (CMP).

For most of two thousand years Western children were educated in the classical Christian tradition, or Western Christian Paideia (WCP). Children studied history, Latin, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, math, poetry and logic. Students acquired and cultivated wisdom by studying history and the ancient philosophers as students in classical Christian schools do today.

In the 1890’s, Progressives like John Dewey and Horace Mann sought to supplant WCP with a American Progressive Paideia (APP) that would repurpose education as a tool for social manipulation and industrial progress while removing God, Christ and Christianity.

“The Progressives realized that true classical Christian education was more powerful than just teaching virtues – it cultivated a paideia with a foundation in divine Truth. At its very core, it reaches for an ideal higher than human institutions,” the authors write in Chapter 5, The Elitist Roots of Progressivism.

Hegseth and Goodwin note that Progressives of that era knew that dropping classical learning practices without replacing them with an inspiring alternative would be unacceptable to the general public. They cleverly substituted patriotic fervor and nationalism in place of God and Christ, thereby enabling schools to become a pliant tool for social reform with a love for America as the backdrop.

The authors point out it was Progressives like President Woodrow Wilson who introduced the patriotic holiday Flag Day and a socialist minister named Francis Bellamy who wrote the Pledge of Allegiance.

It wasn’t until the Eisenhower administration that the words “under God” were added to Bellamy’s original pledge.

“Once the APP had been universally taught in schools, say between 1925 and 1965, its resulting culture dominated for another generation – until about 2005,” the authors write. “Beginning somewhere between 2000 and 2005, the American Paideia was replaced with the Cultural Marxist Paideia, which obtained its authority from ‘equity’ vested in individual identity.”

The authors note that today, following 20 years of the Cultural Marxist Paideia, people can shoplift without consequence, riots on the Left are dismissed as “mostly peaceful” while protests on the Right are considered “insurrections,” and rapes occurring in public restrooms are condoned because of gender identity.

“Imagine how powerful the Cultural Marxist Paideia will be once it has been taught for a generation – in 2045,” Hegseth writes. “Imagine the world your kids and mine are entering.”

A combat army veteran, Hegseth notes that while the Left now controls the “commanding heights” and is “shooting from concealed and fortified positions,” what’s needed is a “radical reorientation” in how parents approach education. In short, an insurgency to reform education.

The authors note we need to return to our Judeo-Christian roots and promote classical Christian schools that train students in reasoning and persuasion, science and mathematics, history and rhetoric.

“Instead of throwing our kids into the cultural deep end and hoping they find the right answer, classical Christian education builds a foundation of virtue and knowledge – a lens through which students are prepared to explore and engage with our past, present, and future with wisdom.”

Well written and seasoned throughout with indisputable facts and logic, Battle for the American Mind is a vitally important work at a critical time in American education. The authors’ compelling narrative provides a deep dive into the history of American public education: what went wrong, why it went wrong, and how to fix it with a return to teaching and learning to love the right things and cultivating our kids’ moral imagination.

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love personal liberty, capitalism, and who believe God has blessed America.

Copyright 2022, Dean A. George© 

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity Ploy

There’s a lot of discussion these days about diversity, equity and inclusivity in workplaces, schools and civic organizations. What exactly is it?

Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity (DEI) is a term used to describe policies and programs that promote the representation and participation of different groups of individuals, including people of different ages, races and ethnicities, abilities and disabilities, genders, religions, cultures and sexual orientations.

Sounds innocuous, right? But there is an underbelly to the DEI philosophy that is toxic. DEI is pure identity politics and often masks itself as Critical Race Theory.

Let’s put the three components of this Marxist philosophy under a microscope:


Diversity in any environment is a good thing, though it’s better if diversity occurs naturally based on needs, abilities and interests.

There is no country on earth with a more diverse populace than America, hence our enviable reputation as a melting pot. Our diversity makes us unique, but it’s not diversity alone that makes America exceptional. What makes America special is a diverse population who believe in American ideals like freedom, capitalism and the right to worship (or not) as we please.

Diversity is the chassis, but it is citizens pulling together in common cause that is the engine that makes America go. United we stand, divided we fall. DEI divides and separates us, assigning people to specific boxes.

The focus on emphasizing individual differences, without including a meaningful cause and purpose (not just based on feelings but tangible results), is like a traffic jam with a cacophony of blaring horns and angry shouts where every driver insists, they have the right-of-way.

The Biden administration is very diverse and has checked a lot of the identity politics boxes, but because it works against the American ideal of freedom and merit, this administration is hopelessly incompetent and ineffective because it lacks a proper foundation.

Like Make America Great.


There has been a concerted effort in recent years to swap the word “equity” for “equality.” Equity is to equality what prunes are to prudent. Those unsure of the difference probably believe in unicorns and magic rainbows.

“Equality” is the pursuit of equal opportunity. “Equity” is a fairytale promising equal outcomes. Try as it may, the government cannot legislate equal outcomes (nor should it), but it has and should support laws guaranteeing equal opportunities.

Last year American Airlines announced plans to hire and train more female and minority pilots. Okay. But what happens if a desired number of female pilots qualify and earn their wings, but there aren’t enough females of a certain minority group to check a specific box? Or, what if there aren’t enough transgender Asian males transitioning to female pilots who even apply?

You think flight cancellations have been bad under the Biden administration to date, just wait until American or Delta cancels future flights because they don’t have enough Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander cross dressing female pilots to make their quota.


Merriam-Webster defines inclusive as “including everyone – especially allowing and accommodating people who have historically been excluded (because of their race, gender, sexuality, or ability.”)

It’s always amusing that the people who claim to favor inclusivity stubbornly exclude people with whom they disagree. Greg Gutfeld termed such people the “Intolerati.” Their tolerance and inclusive natures only apply as long as you agree with them. If you disagree, you are excluded from Camp Inclusive.

This three-legged stool of diversity, equity and inclusivity has its roots not in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights or the Declaration of Independence, but in Marxism. Divide people by gender, race, ethnicity, religion and sexual orientation, prey on raw emotions of unfairness and grievance, and DIE advocates have willfully traded objective facts for subjective feelings.

They’re like a dog chasing its tail.

Isn’t it ironic that “diversity” in DIE excludes diverse thinking and opinions? Isn’t it sad that fairytale equity has supplanted the sweat equity of hard work and diligence? Isn’t it pathetic that “inclusivity” focuses on grievances and gripes rather than gratitude and greatness?

Those of us over age 40 remember The Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” That has worked well for over two millennia.

Replacing The Golden Rule with a humanistic ideal that separates rather than unifies is comparable to using a low flow toilet that has to be flushed twice to work properly. What’s the point?

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. 

Copyright 2022, Dean A. George© 

Book Review: We’ll Be Back – The Fall and Rise of America

Type: Non-fiction

Category: Current Affairs

Author: Kurt Schlichter

Pages: 303

Publisher: Regnery

List Price (Hardcover): $26.99

I’m not a lawyer, but I’ve seen enough Perry Mason re-runs to know a good case is based on smart strategy and pragmatism.

In “We’ll Be Back – The Fall and Rise of America,” California trial lawyer, Town Hall columnist and retired Army Infantry Colonel Kurt Schlichter presents a compelling case that our sock puppet president may be dragging America down and out, but it’s premature to write us off as a 21st century Roman Empire in ruins or Orwell’s Oceana.

Thousands of readers know Schlichter for his caustic wit and how he routinely incites pearl clutching among liberals and Never Trump Republicans in his tri-weekly Town Hall columns.

In this new non-fiction gem, he skillfully walks a literary tightrope with a well-researched narrative that is brutally honest, hopefully optimistic, and sprinkled liberally (pun intended) with his trademark humor.

Schlichter notes the U.S. has become flabby with prosperity, self-indulgent and lazy just like the citizens of ancient Rome. The virtues and checks and balances on government intrusions designed by the Founding Fathers have been carelessly discarded and discredited, solely for the pursuit of power, he asserts.

Recent examples illustrating his point could include the D. C. elite undoing historic safeguards like due process, gun ownership and free speech as the J6 committee locks up Capitol Hill protestors indefinitely for, gasp, trespassing; Congress bribes states to employ red flag gun laws, and the sultans of Silicon Valley wantonly stifle open discussions on the Internet.

Schlichter writes how America was at its best in 1991 when defeating Iraq, before morphing 30 years later into the rudderless republic we are today.

The central premise of “We’ll Be Back” is that America is headed for a historic showdown if conservatives don’t regain electoral control. “Colonel K” outlines the different ways that could play out: a national divorce between red states and blue states (as detailed in his six-book Kelly Turnbull fiction series), a second civil war, or subjugation by China or American Marxists.

Schlichter offers thoughtful commentary on all three scenarios, including a civil war brought on by a blue rebellion against a red federal government (less likely because blue states are not contiguous and “its population consists of those needing to be fed rather than those doing the feeding.”

A more likely scenario would be red Americans fighting a blue federal government, and again the red states would have the advantage due to a vast connected land mass and troop composition.

“Do you see a lot of transsexual mime studies majors dropping out of Gumbo State to join the Army to fight guerillas in the Ozarks?” he asks. “The Antifa street punk stuff is all fun and games, especially since the cops are there to protect them, but war is different,” Schlichter notes in Chapter 10’s The Second Civil War: Red Revolution.

Regarding Chinese influence over our economy, Schlichter wryly notes in Chapter 11’s The China Crisis, “They outsource their R&D, and largely steal it from us. We outsource our manufacturing, then pay to import it back.”

He also expounds that China’s mushrooming influence on American society is made possible by opportunistic leaders of both political parties, “composed of the corrupt and the clownish, and usually both at once.”

As mordant as the subject of the fall of America is, Colonel K throws readers a lifeline of hope in the final three chapters on how we can crawl out of the abyss of hopelessness and indifference. As he notes in Chapter 14’s America Comes to Its Senses, the Constitution has not failed. Conservatives just need to rally enough Americans around to our way of thinking.

The alternatives vividly described by the author in chapters 3-12 are too awful to do anything less than rally our fellow citizens.

Chapter 13’s The Authoritarian Temptation is fun to fantasize about but unlike the donkey party, conservatives don’t color outside the constitutional lines.

In various chapters Schlichter underscores a point with fictional vignettes, and none is more hopeful and inspiring than the one in Chapter 16’s The Decision Point: 2024. Readers will be pumping their fists at the description of a conservative Republican president who, in his first acts as president on January 20, 2025, begins draining the swamp by firing FBI Director Christopher Wray, every general on the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Dr. Anthony Fauci.

And that is just an appetizer for what follows, such as defunding universities lacking “ideological diversity” and firing every federal employee that has “diversity,” “inclusion” or “equity” in their job title.”

“We’ll Be Back” is provocative, insightful and well researched. The colonel strategically maps out how conservatives can effectively combat the ruthlessness and evil of the past few years, reclaim the God-given rights that have made America great and restore our country as a moral, sovereign and economic powerhouse.

To read my review of Kurt Schlichter’s previous non-fiction best-seller, The 21 Biggest Lies About Donald Trump (and you!), click here.

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country.

Copyright 2022, Dean A. George© 

Biden Flipping Lid Over Presidency?

Depressed, frustrated and angry at the millions of voter fingers pointed his way blaming him for a tanking economy, President Joe Biden is reportedly considering calling a lid on his presidency to pursue a new challenge: managing a baseball team.

You read that right. Joe Biden may flip his presidential lid for a baseball cap.

“Look, look, it’s like this. Everyone knows I’m not calling the shots right now as president but yet I get blamed for everything going wrong.” Leaning forward, he adds with a fervid whisper, “I’ve had it with all these lyin,’ dog-faced pony soldiers dissin’ ol’ Joe.

“I’ve still got game, and the game I’m aiming for is baseball. It’s pure, it’s simple and its as American pie as Betty Crocker and that guy who sang that song about music dying and the levee being dry because Trump didn’t water it or somethin’.”

The president turned wannabe baseball manager says he’s got his eye on managing a team he’s followed since childhood famous for its infield, though he plans to make significant roster changes from the outset.

“Look, look, this guy Who on first base. He’s out of position because he can’t bend or stretch anymore but he’s still got a good arm. I plan to move Who to third and put I Don’t Know on second and What on first,” the president said.

“Who’s playing shortstop?” Fox News’ Peter Doocy asked.

“Who isn’t playing shortstop, you stupid son of a b,” Biden chortles. “I’m moving him to second. Or is Who on first?” the president muses with a vacant stare.

“Who’s on third,” Doocy says. “You just made that your first roster change.”

“Who did?” the president queries.

“No, you did, Mr. President,” Doocy says. “Just a minute ago.”

“Says Who?” Biden asks

“Says you,” Doocy explained. “Who hasn’t commented on the move.”

“But I remember Who playing first,” the president whined. “I saw him after I marched at Selma with Martin Luther King, Jr., in the back of an 18-wheeler, on my drive to South Africa to shake hands with Nelson Mandela.”

Silence enveloped the press room as reporters sat scribbling what the president meant to say so they could confirm that with his staff afterwards.

“Any Who,” the president said, chuckling at his own wit. “The point is, and here’s the point, and that point is I don’t know what I don’t know, but I do know I Don’t Know isn’t playing shortstop. Capice?

The president promised to circle back on his entire lineup before his first game, but we can report that No One’s Home is pitching at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue while America burns.

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country.

Copyright 2022, Dean A. George© 

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