Hawaii has live volcanoes, but it’s the California State Assembly that keeps spewing molten ashes of communism into the political environment with the hope that it will solidify into accepted practice by the masses.

Earlier this month the California Assembly discussed a bill that would consolidate Abraham Lincoln and George Washington’s February birthdays into a singularly-observed Presidents’ Day.
That’s nothing too radical other than where to put the apostrophe (Presidents’ Day or President’s Day), or whether to include an apostrophe at all.
What made California Bill AB-3042 controversial was Democrat Assemblyman Miguel Santiago’s desire to make the communist-inspired International Workers’ Day a state-sponsored holiday.
International Workers’ Day is May 1 and is also known as May Day. It has been celebrated for decades in communist countries and drew more than 100,000 Muscovites at this year’s May Day parade in Moscow.
One wonders if the communist holiday is celebrated by taking stuff from society’s producers and giving it to the non-producers.
If so, it would be like Christmas gift giving in reverse. Gifts would be taken rather than received. This may explain why Santiago insists it should be a paid holiday (unlike Presidents’ Day), and why anti-capitalist California is considering the bill.
The appropriations and education committees earlier passed the bill along party line votes but the California Assembly refused to pass it by a 27-22 committee vote last Thursday. Hope springs eternal for Santiago however, after he submitted a motion to reconsider Bill AB-3042 another time.
California Republican Assemblyman Matthew Harper pretty well summed up the feelings of the minority last Thursday:
“Are we in competition to be the laughing stock of the United States?” he asked on the floor of the State House. “Are we going that far to the left?”
He went on to say that the Santiago bill makes it look like California is kowtowing to Cold War Soviet domination.
This begs two questions: first, if California added the communist-inspired May Day as a paid holiday, would that be evidence of the long sought Russian collusion Special Counsel Robert Mueller has been seeking the past year?
Second, if Santiago’s bill passes, would California be charged with misappropriating Russian culture?
The Eagles’ song Hotel California seemingly sums up the fate of state residents stuck with their current progressive representation: “We are all just prisoners here, of our own device.”
Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. For those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country, welcome. For those who believe in open borders, safe spaces, and who tolerate everything but free speech and conservative ideals, move on – there’s nothing here for you to see.
Sources: dailycaller.com, breitbart.com, insider.foxnews.com
Photo sources: www.rferl.org, a53.asmdc.org
Copyright 2018, Dean A. George©