In Case You Missed It…

I have a nominee for the next U.S. Supreme Court opening and it’s a woman of color.

A tribal judge on the Wampanoag reservation in Massachusetts ruled March 17 that mail-in balloting would not be permitted for an election later this month because it violated the tribe’s constitution.

“The Constitution is the supreme law, and ordinances are to be consistent with the constitutional letter and spirit,” Judge Amanda WhiteEagle, Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Alternate District Court Judge, said in her court order.

Judge WhiteEagle wasn’t referring to the U.S. Constitution, but regardless she has a better understanding of the “letter and spirit” of constitutional laws than at least half a dozen black robed judges in Washington, D.C.

Her ruling denied a Feb 1 amendment to the election ordinance by the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Council and members of the Election Committee that illegally removed in-person voting and required voting by mail because of COVID panicdemic concerns.

Sound familiar?

Tribal Council member Aaron Tobey, Jr., who is running for tribal chairman, summarized the fallacy of mail-in voting perfectly.

“As elected officials we have the duty to do the right thing, and mail-in voting is not one of them,” he said. “I’m glad the courts are enforcing the laws of the constitution. … This is not the time to experiment with mail-in voting. Voting in person gives more confidence to the voters that the election will be a fair process.”

The tribe is also known as the “People of the First Light.” That’s appropriate considering they have seen the light of the folly of mail-in balloting long before many Americans who’ve drank the Democrats’ scamdemic Kook-Aid.

Isn’t it amazing that a Wampanoag tribal judge and a member of the council representing a mere 2,940 tribal members has a better understanding of American jurisprudence and legal ethics than six of the nine members of the U.S. Supreme Court?

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. 

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Copyright 2021, Dean A. George©

Joe Biden’s Supreme Court Plan

Joe Biden is fed up about questions concerning stacking the U.S. Supreme Court and earlier today he took action to put the matter to rest.

Appearing this morning on an exclusive live podcast at Tupac Shakur Elementary School in Wilmington, Delaware, Biden sat with 5th grader and podcast host LaToya James.

“Thanks for having me on LeBron, and thanks for the opportunity to share with voters my preference on whether or not to expand the Supreme Court from the current 9 million injustices to 12 hundred or a baker’s dozen.

“While it’s true the number of Supreme Court justices has been nine for the past 150 centuries, it’s also true there’s nothing in the USS Constitution prohibiting adding a few more black robes to the bench if it feels right,” Biden said while peeking around his disposable mask worn inside out and over one eye.

“And if it feels good, do it, right Lavonne,” the Democrat presidential candidate said, winking with his mask covered eye while leaning in trying to sniff the 10-year-old’s hair.

“I mean, look it up for gosh’s sake. Nowhere in the Emancipation Pronunciation or in that hollowed out document we hold sincerely does it say those rights which are self-evidentiary be proclaimed with liberty and nine justices for all.”

At this point Tupac Shakur principal Dorothea Lovejoy tried to unclip the microphone from Biden’s lapel but the 77-year-old former vice-president nuzzled her hand with his nose before rambling on.

“C’mon, man, you know these are the facts and facts trump the truth, regardless of whoever is sitting in the White House – whether it’s me, Donald Trump, or my old nemesis Corn Pop,” he said before removing his mask and coughing into his hand.

“Now, I hope this puts an end to all the malarkey about me refusing to say how I plan to vote for U.S. Senate,” the Democrat candidate said.

“I’m Joe Biden, and I approve this message.”

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who know God has blessed our country. 

Sources: The Gateway Pundit

Photo sources: KWTX,

Copyright 2020, Dean A. George© 

Biden To Debate Self in Basement

Hidin’ Joe Biden is in a quandary.

The Commission on Presidential Debates decided without telling either candidate that it was canceling the second presidential candidate Oct 15th in Miami, Florida and going with a virtual debate format instead.

President Donald Trump criticized the commission’s decision, saying he wouldn’t participate in a virtual debate because it was a “waste of time” and the commission was doing it to protect his opponent. The president announced instead he would do a virtual town hall today on Rush Limbaugh’s nationally syndicated radio show.

Where does that leave Uncle Joe?

“I don’t know what I’ll do,” Joe Biden said from the brightly colored Fisher-Price conference table in his basement. “I’m tired of finger painting and playing Go Fish with Jill, and my campaign manager suggested we donate all my Play-Doh to college students because they think Trump is going to win in a tsunami and they knead it more than I do.

“C’mon, man,” the Democrat candidate said in exasperation while sniffing the hair of the Cabbage Patch Doll he was fondling.

A second later Biden grew thoughtful.

“Of course, all these tsunamis, hurricanes and dog faced pony soldier shortages are Donald Trump’s fault, because he’s more interested in helping his stock market friends than he is wearing a mask and protecting the American people from black women stocking store shelves and the, you know, the thing described in the Emancipation Pronunciation and the Magnum Carter.

When asked why he wouldn’t do his own virtual town hall with a nationally syndicated liberal talk show host, Biden looked like his questioner was daft.

“C’mon man, Corn Pop left the biz years ago and there isn’t anyone who could fill his shoe-bi-do-bi-do’s. Not even Vladamir Putin’s buddy, Rushian Limbaugh,” the former Vice-President spat emphatically in the mask he wore inside out and over one nostril.

When last seen the dejected former Vice-President was practicing karate chops in front of a floor length mirror and shouting, “If the Coronavirus wasn’t man enough to do the job Trump, I’ll take you out with the Kung flu moves Barack taught me. Aiyeeeee!!!

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who know God has blessed our country. 

Photo sources: Washington Post, Slate

Copyright 2020, Dean A. George© 

Greta Needs a Chill Pill and a History Lesson

Why is it that doomsday cult worshipers like Greta Thunberg are so intent on destroying capitalism, when capitalism is the world’s only self-sustaining economic system?

Wouldn’t you think with capitalism being a renewable source of economic energy that Gaia worshipers would be big fans? But they’re not, and here’s why:

Climate activism is all about control: what people drive, how energy efficient their homes are, what they eat, which products they use, what clothes they wear – and in the case of Joaquin Phoenix, how often they dry clean their tux.

In short, weather cultists like Saint Greta want to take away individual freedoms for the collective good.  Sound familiar?

Obviously names like Mao Zedong, Karl Marx, and Kim Il-Sung mean nothing to these carbon credit kiddie commandos.  I’d suggest they step away from their junk science whining points and consider reading a little history.

Swedish climate teen Greta Thunberg is a prominent leader in the “We’re-all-going-to-die-because-of-fossil-fuels-and-steak-buffets” parade.   Thunberg was recently named Time’s Person of the Year but even more notably, was mentioned in this space last fall in Left Wingers Have Finally Lost It.

After castigating a UN Assembly last September in her infamous “How Dare You” speech (“You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words.  How dare you!”), lovable Greta is back with more demands, more ranting and more threats in an editorial addressing the upcoming 50th anniversary of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland later this month.

In The Guardian editorial January 10 she wrote, “We demand that at this year’s forum, participants from all companies, banks, institutions and governments immediately halt all investments in fossil fuel exploration and extraction, immediately end all fossil fuel subsidies and immediately and completely divest from fossil fuels.”

Is that all?  Of course not. The persnickety Swede wasn’t done yet.  She also demanded the evil doers comply – now!

“We don’t want these things done by 2050, 2030, or even 2021, we want this done now – as in right now,” she bellowed in print – a neat trick she should think of patenting.

Note to Ms. Thunberg:  the world doesn’t revolve around you or any identity politics group.  In the USA it revolves around “We the people.”

And the will of the people is enacted by v-o-t-i-n-g.  Not by fiat, not by bullying, and not by intimidation.

In other words, keep your static socialism, your refusal to allow for dissenting opinions and your my-way-or-the-highway climate activism on your side of the Atlantic.

And for goodness sake, chill out.  Temper tantrums deplete the ozone.


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Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. 

Copyright 2020, Dean A. George©

Continue reading“Greta Needs a Chill Pill and a History Lesson”

Impeachment Lite is a Dud

“Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from another you been messin’ around…”
REO Speedwagon

President Donald Trump obliterated the anonymous CIA whistleblower’s complaint of messin’ around with Ukraine by releasing a verbatim transcript of his call with the Ukrainian president.

Sadly, it isn’t a coincidence that another whistleblower popped up almost immediately.

Cue “Pop Goes the Weasel.”

According to multiple sources, the second whistleblower claims they can speak “directly” concerning events about the president’s conversation with Ukraine.

That’s what the first whistleblower claimed, too – until it was later learned that his/her formal complaint was based on secondhand and third-hand sources.

That isn’t whistleblowing as much as spitting in the wind.

How do we know that Whistleblower #2 isn’t just whistling Dixie regarding what they claim they know? We don’t, but that doesn’t stop the mainstream media from reporting it as gospel.

Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from another.

“Whistleblower Gate” is the same chicanery the Democrats used when trying to block Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination last fall.

First it was psychologist and statistics professor Christine Blasey-Ford who played the odds by making unsubstantiated allegations against Kavanaugh.

Next up in joining the muckraking mosh pit was Kavanaugh’s Yale classmate Deborah Ramirez, and finally, 15-minutes of fame diva Julie Swetnick did her cannonball into the corruption cesspool – before recanting.

See the pattern? #MeToo.

Now we have a similar game plan with the Ukrainian phone call imbroglio.  When the Deep State narrative begins to lag and the pendulum of doubt starts to swing the other way, Democrats trot out another whistleblower to back up the story of the earlier whistleblower(s).

Former State Department employee and whistleblower Peter Van Buren says that’s an old CIA trick called a “feedback loop.”

“Essentially what you do is you set up one of your sources to back up another source and you make it appear that your initial source is more credible by feeding information into the loop. That’s what seems to be going on here. They’re re-purposing a witness as a second whistleblower,” he told Tucker Carlson Oct 7.

Van Buren called it a “three way pitch-and-toss” between the Deep State whistleblowers, the Democrat Party and the mainstream media.

That may be one name for the Deep State’s reprehensible behavior, but here’s another one:  “impeachable.”

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. 

Sources: The Gateway Pundit, Fox News 

Photo Sources:, Flickr,

Copyright 2019, Dean A. George©

Lightfoot Blames Indiana for City’s Violence

It took Windy City Mayor Lori Lightfoot less than four months to shoot off her mouth and emulate Barack Obama’s governing habit of blaming everyone else for her administration’s ineptitude and failings.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot

Lightfoot is understandably under the gun to bring order to her besieged city, but it was still shocking to see her shooting from the hip last week and going off half-cocked on Twitter. 

SPOILER ALERT: In a tweeted reply to Texas Senator Ted Cruz, she blamed Indiana’s elected officials for Chicago leading the nation in murders the past several years.

Son of a gun – it must be a new form of statistical analysis incomprehensible to us lesser folks who believe the Second Amendment is sacrosanct.

“60% of illegal firearms recovered in Chicago from outside IL – mostly from states dominated by coward Republicans like you who refuse to enact commonsense gun legislation,” she tweeted in response to Cruz.

“Commonsense gun legislation” is liberal-speak meaning the best way to protect people from the shooting gallery of Chicago’s streets is to disarm law abiding citizens of the means of protecting themselves.

She’s right in that this would send criminals using illegally-held guns a message, but we doubt it’s the message she intends.

The problem with Lightfoot’s logic is that the top 5 American cities in gun homicides are already gun-free zones and all have Democrat mayors:  Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York City, and Los Angeles.

And contrary to her argument, Chicago is not the only gun-free metropolis adjacent to a GOP-controlled state.  Typical of a politician, she jumped the gun in pointing the finger elsewhere for her inability to bring order to the chaos she inherited from predecessor Rahm Emanuel.

I’m just shooting in the dark here, but might Chicago’s gun violence be triggered by other sociological factors; factors like fatherless households, rotten public schools, and ridiculous trial sentencing by Democrat administrations that allow gangbangers and violent criminals back on the streets before the barrels of their illegally-held guns have cooled?

Meanwhile, liberals like Lori Lightfoot will stick to their guns on arguing against our Second Amendment rights and point gun fingers of blame at others while the tragic Chicago death toll continues to mount.

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. 


Photo source: N’DGO, Zimbio, Vice

Copyright 2019, Dean A. George©

RU Smarter Than the Squawk Squad?

Are you smarter than a frosh congressperson?

Four progressive congresswomen who believe their mandate is to continue the Obama legacy of “transforming America” are pushing their party so far to the left, it’s in danger of reshaping the Democrat Party as a keto-free Cuba (low carb savings with lots of high fat government spending.)

Affectionally labeled “The Squad” by the mainstream media and “The Squawk Squad” by real journalists, its members include: 

  • Somali immigrant and anti-Constitutionalist Ilhan Omar who immigrated here as a teen and now pines for the peace and tranquility of her native Somalia;
  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a former Brooklyn bartender who became a socialist because she likes using social media;
  • Rashida Talib, a Palestinian from Michigan who can out-cuss the entire U.S. Navy and pledged to impeach President Trump her first day in Congress, and;
  • Ayanna Pressley, the newest squad member who says we need to beg forgiveness from those coming here illegally for detaining them during processing.

True or false: Minnesota Democrat Representative Representative Omar, who allegedly committed immigration fraud by marrying her gay brother, along with passport fraud, campaign fraud and tax fraud by claiming to be married to someone else while married to her brother, recently warned President Donald Trump, “I am fighting corruption in OUR country?”

True or false: New York Democrat Representative Alexandria Ocrisis-Catastrophe said this: “I think that there’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually and semantically correct than about being morally right.”  

True or false: Michigan Dem Representative Rep Rashida Talib said this: “Concern for ‘national security’ has introduced unprecedented insecurity to living in the United States as a legal permanent resident.” Translation: It’s making illegals permanently living here illegally anxious.

True or false:  Rep Omar once referred to the 9-11 terrorist attack that killed 3,000 people as “something” that “some people did?”

True or false:  Rep Omar recently told attendees at a Philadelphia conference: “I believe, as an immigrant, I probably love this country more than anyone that is naturally born.”


Multiple choice: Michigan Democrat Representative Talib illegally listed her father’s Detroit address on her candidate application, which according to her own father was a lie.  In truth Ms. Talib lives with her family in:

a) The Gaza Strip

b) The Serengeti

c) Dearborn

d) Tel Aviv

Multiple choice: Ayanna Pressley is Massachusett’s first black female U.S. Representative and the newest member of the Squeak Squad.  What exactly is “The Squad?”

a) A quartet of women of color who thinks everything is all about them;

b) An amateur Capella group that likes to sing the blues and howl at the president whether or not there’s a full moon;

c) Four elected representatives who are convincing registered voters that global whining is the biggest threat to American democracy;

d) All of the above.

Multiple choice: Who said the following: “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel?”

a) Louis Farrakhan

b) Joy Behar

c) Harvey Weinstein

d) Ilhan Omar


Multiple choice: Who recently said (ironically while standing in front of a mirror practicing their  “Squad” poses), “This is what racism looks like?”

a) The Average White Band

b) Alexandria Odoofus-Confirmed, Rashida “Palestinian Girls Just Want to Have #$%#! Fun” Talib, Ilhan “I Married My Gay Brother” Omar, or Ayanna “Diversity Diva” Pressley

c) The United Nations Human Rights Council

d) The Coca-Cola Polar Bear

Multiple choice: Which two people have a higher favorability rating than freshmen (er, salty freshwomen) Ilhan Omar (9 percent)and Alexandria Obother-Whatever (22 percent):

a) Loki and Thanos of the Avengers

b) Nancy Botoxi and Chuckles Schumer

c) Lex Luthor and The Joker of Justice League

d) Dr. Josef Mengele and Kermit Gosnell  

e) All of the above

The correct answers to today’s true/false and multiple choice questions should be obvious to regular readers of this blog.  To those who are new to Dean Riffs, just choose the opposite answer of what is regularly reported on CNN and MSNBC.

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. 

Sources: USA Today, The Gateway Pundit 

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Copyright 2019, Dean A. George©

Ocasio-Cortez Just Keeps Digging

Maybe Alexandria Occasionally- Conscious thinks she’s helping create shovel ready jobs, but every week she demonstrates again and again that she never knows when to stop digging.

The loquacious and polarizing acronym with two legs and a big mouth has spewed more nonsense her first six months in office than most congress critters utter their first two terms.

The latest from the woman who may have singlehandedly ended blonde jokes forever was equating detention facilities for migrants to “concentration camps.”

“The United States is running concentration camps on our southern border and that is exactly what they are. They are concentration camps. And, um, if that doesn’t bother you, I don’t, I don’t know, I like, we can have, okay whatever,” she concluded in her typical kamikaze syntax.

She then doubled down on her ignorance and insensitivity to Holocaust victims by tweeting this: “And for the shrieking Republicans who don’t know the difference: concentration camps are not the same as death camps. Concentration camps are considered by experts as ‘the mass detention of civilians without trial.’ And that’s exactly what this administration is doing.”

Let’s talk about what the congresswoman who thinks the Electoral College should be tuition free is doing when she compares border security to concentration camps:

*She’s insinuating the temporary incarceration of people voluntarily entering our country illegally before processing is the moral equivalent of shipping millions of people to their death in crematoriums for their faith.

*She’s insulting the families of Holocaust victims and survivors with an analogy that’s cruel and degrading.

*She’s demeaning border patrol agents, customs officials and ICE agents by comparing them to Nazi guards.

*She’s smearing the American people as callous and uncomprehending as to what’s happening at the border.

*She’s demonstrating yet again how obtuse and oblivious she is about history, language and the border crisis she has helped create because, like, she doesn’t believe in like, borders, okay?

If ignorance of the difference between a detention center and a concentration camp isn’t bad enough, the New York Congresswoman who’s IQ test came back negative seems blissfully unaware that any mistreatment of migrant families at the border rests squarely at the feet of her own party.

House Republicans have tried 15 times this year to secure $4.5 billion dollars specifically to “feed and shelter migrant families and unaccompanied children, fund urgent medical care and transportation, and pay for growing overtime cost for DHS men and women on the frontlines.”

Democrats have refused every time to provide the requested funding.

Memo to ACO:  Heaven has a wall and a big pearly gate, but hell is spacious and has open borders.  Just sayin’…

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country.  For those who don’t, God bless you but there’s nothing here for you to see. 


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Copyright 2019, Dean A. George©

Liberal Lunacy is Just Beginning

During his campaign President Trump warned us we may get tired of winning.  I’m not even close to being tired of winning, but the president should have warned us just how unhinged the left would get when all the winning began.

If liberals and their kissing cousins the progressives are as unhinged as the examples below, what levels of idiocy and insanity can we expect once the declassified shinola hits the fan the next several weeks?

Lauren Underwood

Illinois Democrat Representative Lauren Underwood caused quite a stir this week when she blamed the Trump Administration for the death of illegal immigrant children being held at the border.

In a testy exchange with Acting Secretary of Homeland Security director Kevin McAleenan, she accused the Border Patrol of intentionally letting children die.

What’s remarkable is Rep. Underwood supports late term abortion and infanticide of babies here legally.  What’s even more remarkable is she is a licensed nurse. 

So tell us again who’s intentionally killing children?

After refusal to clarify her remarks, her comments were struck from the record but she went on Twitter to say this:

“For over a year, it’s been clear that policies at the border have harmed the physical and mental health of migrant children,” she said. “I believe, at this point, failure to change these broken policies based on that knowledge is intentional and unacceptable.”

I don’t know if nurses take a Hippocratic oath like doctors do, but accusing the administration of policies that encourage the death of children while supporting infanticide earns her hypocrite status par excellence – as a licensed nurse, as an elected representative of the people, and as a human being.

Alyssa Milano

They say that even a broken clock is right twice a day.   Actress/Loony activist Alyssa Milano struck one of those two times recently with her call for a #SexStrike.


In her tweet pushing for a #SexStrike Milano inadvertently made several pro-life points, including:

*Abstinence really works! It’s 100% reliable and reduces the number of abortions in direct proportion to the number of times its tried.                         

*Her campaign will mean fewer abortions since her audience is liberal women.  Liberal women are more likely to use abortion as a form of birth control and are much more likely than conservative women to get abortions.  

*Milano’s effort to defend abortion pre-birth and post-birth by discouraging copulation will cost Planned Butcherhood hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost business because, let’s be honest – abortion is their business.

Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Botoxi presents one of the best arguments anywhere for term limits. 

She stutters and stammers more than Barack Obama without a teleprompter – and that’s when she’s reading cue cards.


Advice for the Speaker of the House: 

Give. It. Up.  You’ve had a nice run, but when your subjects and predicates aren’t in the same zip code every time you open your yap, it’s time to pass the gavel.

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country.  For those who don’t, God bless you but there’s nothing here for you to see. 

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Copyright 2019, Dean A. George©

Big Tech Now Fact Checking Satire Sites

Facebook, Instagram and other social media monopolists are ramping up efforts to block conservative messaging before the 2020 election, but something funny happened with their ongoing efforts to curb our freedom of speech.

It isn’t the first time that the Big Tech speech police are explaining why they got caught fact checking a website devoted to satire.

It takes a real stroke of genius to fact check a website that illustrates absurdity by being absurd, but Facebook has managed to exceed irony expectations by fact checking a Christian satire site and warning its readers that the satire being flagged isn’t true. Duh!

Let’s get this straight.  Media outlets can broadcast and print rumors, innuendos and outright lies about the president and conservatives and that’s okay.

Intelligence agencies and federal law enforcement can use all manner of tools known to be illegal against a political candidate and president and that’s considered a routine investigation.

But a satirical website that openly promotes itself as parody and satire spoofs these same stories that are in the news 24/7, and that website can be flagged and banned from public view because visitors may not be able to distinguish the parody from the real fake news?

The room is spinning; I need to sit down.

According to Big League Politics, recently The Babylon Bee posted an article on freshman representative Ilhan Omar’s comments criticizing Israel for retaliating after Palestinians fired over 600 rockets into Israeli territory.

The Bee headline attributed to Omar read: “Ilhan Omar: ‘If Israel Is So Innocent, Then Why Do They Insist On Being Jews?'”

The article also quoted Michigan Democrat Representative Rashida Tlaib as tweeting, “It’s a very provocative region to insist on being Jews.  Couldn’t they find somewhere else to be Jews where it’s not so dehumanizing to the people around them?”

When a lawyer and political activist posted this article on Facebook, he was stunned to have it flagged as a HOAX ALERT by Facebook fact checkers

This isn’t the first time The Babylon Bee was fact checked by the Big Tech speech police.

In February 2018 the Washington Post reported that fact checker flagged the Bee when they published a farcical post about the Collusion News Network (CNN) buying an industrial strength washing machine to help “spin” the issues.

“The custom-made device allows CNN reporters to load just the facts of a given issue, turn a dial to ‘spin cycle,’ and within five minutes, receive a nearly unrecognizable version of the story that’s been spun to fit with the news station’s agenda,” the Bee reported.

Two things we’ve always known about liberals: 1) They have no sense of humor on issues involving themselves, and 2) They are more sanctimonious than James Comey in front of a mirror.

‘Oblivious to irony’ should be another character trait applied to the identity politics party.

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country.  For those who don’t, God bless you but there’s nothing here for you to see. 


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Copyright 2019, Dean A. George©

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