Unless you have the IQ of a pencil neck pimple on Adam Schiff or a Jerrold Nadler fat cell, you have to admit the first day of Schiff’s Super Shameful Sham Show was an embarrassing waste of time and taxpayer dollars.
After listening to Shifty Schiff’s pair of star chamber witnesses drone on about hearsay and gossip, we were left with some interesting conclusions:
1) The only evidence Schiff’s witless witnesses provided was secondhand and third-hand sources and for all we know, came from a Capitol Hill barber and Schiff third cousin twice removed who wears a hearing aid and who has a septuagenarian crush on Nancy Botoxi.
2) At least some Democrats believe that hearsay can be better than real evidence.
Let’s test that theory by the moron who said it out loud – Democrat Illinois Representative Mike Quigley. Hey, Mike – I heard someone I know tell someone I don’t know that you filch money from the offering plate at church and wear a teddy to bed every night.
Prove me wrong, Mike – go ahead. We’ll wait while you reconsider your stupid comment that rumor and innuendo are better than factual evidence while arguing your innocence.
3) People make mistakes, says star witness Check out this exchange between U.S. Attorney to Ukraine William Taylor and Republican Ohio Representative Mike Turner:
“Mr. Turner, I am here to tell you what I know. I’m not going to tell you anything I don’t know. I’m going to tell you what I do know. That’s exactly why I’m here.”
Turner pressed: “But since you learned it from others, you could be wrong. Correct?”
Taylor: “I am telling you what I heard them tell me.”
Turner: “Or they could be wrong, or they could be mistaken, or they could have heard it incorrectly. Right, Ambassador Taylor?”
Taylor: “People make mistakes.”
So it’s a “mistake” when a Democrat relays as gospel hearsay about eavesdropping on a Commander-in-Chief’s phone, but it’s an impeachable offense if a Republican president asks a foreign leader to help the U.S. weed out corruption costing taxpayers millions of dollars.
Well, that’s fair.
4) Quid pro quo isn’t illegal – just like collusion. Are Democrats arguing that giving millions of dollars to foreign countries doesn’t entitle the Commander-in-Chief to ask for anything in return or earmark the money for specific purposes: food, medicine, free elections, etc? Weeding out corruption?
What about this: when a politician is given campaign money by a lobbyist, are we to believe that no quid pro quo takes place and the lobbyist is donating money just because the politician is so doggone patriotic and lovable?
Quid pro quo seems to be a one-way street. Schiff & Co seem to have no problem with Hunter Biden collecting $50,000 a month from a Ukrainian energy firm while his dad was Vice-President and oversaw Obama’s Ukraine policy, but they have a problem with the President of the United States asking the newly elected president of Ukraine for his help in investigating election interference in our 2016 presidential election?
Prediction: Democrats will soon learn that Americans don’t give a schiff about impeaching the president.
The entire party will be schiffing bricks when they realize that Schiff has led them up Schiff creek without a paddle – and just in time for the release of the Horowitz report and indictments for the coup plotters who are using a faux impeachment to distract from the real crimes that were committed.
Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country.
Photo source: BBC, New York Post, Trendsmap, IMGFlip
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