Final Battle: The Next Election Could Be the Last – Book Review

Type: Non-fiction

Category: Political Parties

Author: David Horowitz

Pages: 256

Publisher: Humanix

List Price (Hardcover): $22.99

The late Walt Kelly’s comic strip character Pogo famously opined, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.” Bestselling author and political commentator David Horowitz proves Pogo’s point masterfully in his latest book, “Final Battle: The Next Election Could Be the Last.”

Horowitz asserts that the Democrat Party is the real danger to democracy as they continue chipping away at the foundation of our constitutional republic.

Alarmingly, they are closer to succeeding at remaking America than many realize.

Raised by Communist parents, Horowitz knows exactly where today’s progressives are steering America, and his book is a klaxon horn warning Americans the ship of state has passed the reefs of political fascism and is in serious danger of grounding itself on the shoals of a totalitarian future.

“When the president of the United States declares, as Joe Biden did in 2019, that ‘systemic racism…has been built into every aspect of our system,’ he is endorsing the anti-American radicalism of critical race theorists, Black Lives Matter activists, and cultural Marxists,” Horowitz writes.

Beginning with the questionable election results of the November 2020 election, Final Battle takes readers on an instructive tour of Democrat planned destruction designed to defame America’s history and traditions, undermine the integrity of our elections, politicize our government agencies, indoctrinate the military with mandatory critical race theory instruction, and obliterate our borders by granting noncitizens voting, welfare and healthcare privileges.

Final Battle indicts events of the last three years, including the Left’s impotent response to the Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots in the summer of 2020. It also addresses the faux J6 insurrection and the sham impeachments of Trump, noting that the House impeachment managers didn’t bother delivering the second impeachment charge to the Senate until five days after Trump left office.

“In other words, Democrats were intent on removing a private citizen from an office he no longer held. This made no sense except as a perverse expression of their obsessive hatred of the man himself,” Horowitz notes in Chapter 2.

Horowitz doesn’t mince words in Final Battle, mapping out in 11 economical chapters how citizens’ constitutional rights are frequently being undermined by politicians, bureaucrats, military leaders, federal courts, government health agencies and non-governmental organizations funded by radical financiers like George Soros and Tom Steyer.

“Culture matters. In their zeal to remake the world, Democrats have ignored the consequences of their actions and the human tragedies they have caused,” he writes on the open border crisis. Calling open borders “a terrible idea,” the authors adds, “No other country of consequence has them. In their zeal to gain political power, Democrats have grossly diminished the societies they govern and the lives in their care.”

In Chapter 7’s “Reimagining the World,” Horowitz reiterates the problem with progressives’ unrealistic plans: “The chief problem with utopian schemes: the detachment from reality that comes from replacing the lessons of experience with ideological dogmas.”

Horowitz not only torches liberal cows like Black Lives Matter and the Green Agenda, he also highlights names he blames for much of the unrest the past three years, including Joe Biden, Anthony Fauci and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Granted special recognition for his hypocrisy and disloyalty to his oath of office is Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley.

Two examples Horowitz noted included Milley’s analogy of comparing Donald Trump to Adolph Hitler, and his flip flopping when Trump wanted to invoke the Insurrection Act when a Black Lives Matter mob torched the Church of the Presidents in Lafayette Square. Milley belittled Trump’s request, telling the president, “When guys show up in gray and start bombing Fort Sumter, you’ll have an insurrection. I’ll let you know about it,” Milley said.

Later when Biden and Nancy Pelosi referred to January 6 as an insurrection, Milley “remained dutifully and irresponsibility silent,” Horowitz quotes two Washington Post reporters.

“That such a confused, ignorant and fanatical individual is the head of America’s military forces ought to be deeply troubling to anyone concerned not only about civilian control of the military but the security of America itself,” Horowitz writes of the four-star general who helped mastermind America’s worst military event since Pearl Harbor.

Final Battle is buttressed by 34 pages of foot notes and is written in a format that is succinct, comprehensible and reads like a novel. Horowitz has again done America a favor defending it from forces working tirelessly to transform it into another failed utopian state.

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love personal liberty, capitalism, and who believe God has blessed America.

Copyright 2023, Dean A. George© 

Ten Fearless Predictions for 2022

It wouldn’t be a new year without New Year’s resolutions, but because our new puppy ate my resolutions New Year’s Eve, here are 10 bold predictions for 2022.

1. Alexandria Obsessively Compulsive, or AOC, tweets something stupid then doubles down on her stupid tweet with an even stupider comment about her stupid tweet. The Queen of “The Squad” got a head start on our 2022 prediction Dec 31 by accusing Republicans of being “creepy weirdos” obsessed with her and “sexually frustrated” because they couldn’t date her.

We’d expect nothing less from the former bartender turned Congressperson than to sexually fantasize about herself with Republicans.

2. Dr. Anthony Fauci, aka Frankenfauci, suggests we could cure Covid by jabbing babies in the birth canal with experimental mRNA gene therapy drugs. Any mother, aka birthing person to the mentally deranged, refusing the experimental therapy would be held prisoner by the CDC and forced to listen to looping Anthony Fauci interviews and watching endless clips of his opening day pitch for the Washington Nationals.

3. Former President Barack Hussein Obama accepts a $10 million advance from the For Dummies books publisher to write a book on “How to Write Memoirs” sequels. The former president will also announce plans to release four more autobiographies before the 2024 election once he verifies his sources.

4. The LGBTQ community releases evidence they say proves Noah loaded multiple genders of animals on the ark. Spoiler alert: the guardians of gender pronouns community says the rainbow described in Genesis following The Great Flood is proof that Noah’s family were early LGBTQ supporters.

5. Merrian-Webster will publish a new dictionary of Biden terms and Rosetta Stone will release a beta version of Biden-speak sometime this spring.

6. Black Lives Matter launches segregated public schools for people of color because they say desegregated schools are infested with white supremacists. The two or three actual white supremacists that exist applaud the move.

7. The women of The View on ABC will announce they are banning all guests not fully vaccinated. Initially it won’t be clear if they meant vaccinated for Covid or for Joy Reid’s moronic opinions.

8. Joint Chief Chairman Mark Milley will denounce his own white supremacy and recommend Jussie Smollett as his replacement.

9. American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten will admit her support of Critical Race Theory and Black Lives Matter literature in school curriculums is largely because she’s always been bad at math and PE class.

10. CNN and Hunter Biden will announce plans to cosponsor private intervention sessions for teens and pre-adolescents confused about their sexuality and gender pronouns. The name of their program will be Bigger Brother.


Vice-President Kamala Harris learns the root cause why millions of illegals are invading America: It’s because America is a racist, homophobic, xenophobic country which offers lots of free stuff for those breaking the laws to move here.

Shoe manufacturer Crocs announces a new line of footwear in 2022: the Fauci Flip-Flops.

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. 

Copyright 2022, Dean A. George© 

This Talk is Just What the Doctor Ordered

Talk about speaking truth to power! Dr. Daniel Stock is an Indiana family physician who shared his professional expertise at a community school board meeting August 6.

Dr. Stock’s eye-popping comments about Covid recommendations issued by the CDC, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Indiana Department of Health quickly went “viral.”


The gist of Dr. Stock’s illuminating comments were this: Every recommendation by the CDC, the NIH and the state board of health is contrary to all the rules of science.

Even worse, our government “betters” like Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Rochelle Walensky, are ignoring their organizations’ own scientific evidence to promote counter-factual treatments.

Stock came armed with more than commonsense and 30-plus years of medical experience. He also provided documents to the Mt. Vernon Community Schools board on a flash drive containing links to 22 formal studies pertaining to Covid treatment.

The documents included documentation on the success of treating Covid with prophylactics like hydrochloroquine, Ivermectin, zinc and Vitamin-D, the effectiveness of masks in combatting the spread of Covid (they’re not), Covid breakthrough infections in fully vaccinated health care workers, etc.

Also included on Stock’s flash drive were links to the Great Barrington Declaration, a treatise signed by over 850,000 physicians worldwide calling for Focused Protection to protect from Covid rather than draconian worldwide lockdowns and experimental vaccines, and a Heritage Foundation study showing how mask mandates and lockdowns don’t decrease Covid case rates.

Other pertinent takeaways from Dr. Stock’s electrifying 7-minute comments:

  • Covid is here to stay like the common cold and influenza so masks and lockdowns are ineffective.
  • People who have had Covid should not get the experimental gene therapy vaccination because there is no benefit and they could experience 2-times to 4-times the side effects of those that haven’t had Covid but take the experimental vaccination.
  • Covid can’t be treated with a vaccine like polio or mumps because it contains animal reservoirs not found in earlier diseases. Translation: Covid doesn’t care if everyone in America is vaccinated or not.
  • The experimental gene therapy vaccination is responsible for the increase of Covid cases this summer because the vaccinated are infecting the unvaccinated – just the opposite of what government health agencies and the mainstream media are reporting when encouraging the non-vaccinated to get the jab.
  • The experimental gene therapy vaccination is counterproductive and can cause antibody-mediated viral enhancement, a condition where a vaccine makes the virus worse than it would have been with native infection and herd immunity.

NOTE: Attention military service members and pro athletes: the experimental gene therapy vaccination can be especially problematic to those 30 and younger but the Department of Defense and NFL are mandating it anyway. (August 11th the CDC was recommending pregnant women be vaccinated.)

The question on the table is why are the CDC, NIH and public health bureaucrats telling us to follow the science fiction and doctoring up counter-factual data? Knowing why would be just what the doctor ordered. Until then I prescribe getting medical information from doctors in the trenches rather than government spin doctors pushing an unknown and suspicious agenda.

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. 

Sources: RedState, Real Clear Politics, Hancock County Patriots, Great Barrington Declaration, Heritage Foundation, YouTube

Photo sources: YouTube, RateMDS

Copyright 2021, Dean A. George© 


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