The Founding Fathers on Impeachment

“Good evening viewers, and welcome to The Story.  I’m your host, Martha MacCallum, and we have a very special panel assembled tonight to discuss Washington’s hottest story:  the impeachment of President Donald Trump.

“Joining me tonight are three household names, at least for those who paid attention in high school history class.  Tonight we welcome three legendary Virginians – former president James Madison, George Mason, the author of Virginia’s Declaration of Rights, and Constitutional Convention delegate Edmund Randolph.

“Gentlemen, welcome to The Story. President Madison, let’s start with you, sir.  Your general impression of this historic impeachment of America’s 45th president?”

“In a word ma’am, ‘scandalous.’  This fiasco is a perfect example of why we set the bar for impeachment so high.  It was never intended to be used as a bludgeon and to be abused by someone like Mr. Pencil Neck and that saucy, slurring wench Pelosi.

“So you think these impeachment hearings don’t meet the criteria you and others intended?” MacCallum asked.

“Certainly not,” the diminutive fourth president exclaimed.  ‘Abuse of power’ and ‘obstruction of justice’ are hardly impeachable offenses as we designed them – even if they are brought by a congenital liar whose eyes look like he cheated the hangman more than once.

“Allow me to translate the impeachment articles as submitted by the House impeachment managers: Article 1: We detest Donald Trump, and Article 2:  We can’t beat Donald Trump at the ballot box.”

“And what say you, Mr. Mason?  Do you agree with President Madison’s assessment?” MacCallum asked.

“Quite, my dear,” Mason snorted. “The first article of impeachment, abuse of power, is so vague it could mean anything from the president tweeted fat jokes about Jerrold Nadler, to he entered Maxine Waters into the Westminster Dog Show.  It’s a preposterous charge…the articles of impeachment, I mean, not about entering Mrs. Waters into a dog show.

“And the second count, sir? Obstruction of Congress?” MacCallum queried.

“Balderdash!” Mason said vehemently.  “Defending yourself against rogue intelligence agents, slanderous members of Congress and a soft coup by ‘Deep State’ pencil pushers is hardly obstructing Congress.”

“Mr. Randolph, what about you? Your feelings on the nation’s third impeachment effort against a sitting president?” MacCallum asked Virginia’s seventh governor.

“It’s all incredulous,” Randolph said quietly. “From our unique vantage point as authors of the Constitution, its obvious that President Trump wasn’t soliciting interference in 2020, but rather was seeking a commitment from a country receiving American foreign aid as to whether illicit election interference occurred in 2016.”

“The whole kit and caboodle sounds like something Benedict Arnold would have done against George Washington!” he added disgustedly.

“Gentlemen, thank you for being here and for sharing your take on the Trump impeachment,” MacCallum said at the interview’s conclusion.  “I can’t let you go, though, without asking all of you about your opinion on the hit Broadway musical, Alexander Hamilton.

Almost as one the trio rolled their eyes before Madison replied, “Hamilton has been insufferable since that damnable show went live. Know what’s funny, though? Alex can’t carry a tune to save his life, and we all know that white men can’t dance!”

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Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. 

Copyright 2020, Dean A. George©

Hasbro Suing NY Over Baleful Bail Reform Law

PAWTUCKET, RI – Hasbro, Inc. recently announced plans to sue the state of New York over Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s new bail reform law.

Since Jan. 1 the state of New York has been allowing suspects accused of “non-violent” crimes to avoid jail without posting bail.  One alleged perpetrator had robbed six Chase banks in New York City neighborhoods between Dec. 30 and the time of this writing.

Each time he was released after what NYC mayor Bill DeBlasio called “involuntary withdrawals” from greedy, racist lending institutions.

Hasbro, a toy, board game and entertainment company with revenues of $5.2 billion, is bringing the suit against New York for copyright infringement.

Specifically, Hasbro claims that the new bail reform law essentially constitutes a get-out-of-jail-free card synonymous with the company’s classic board game, Monopoly.

“We feel we have no choice,” said Hasbro attorney R. U. Legal.  “This new bail reform law is estimated to set free at least 20,000 criminals during the first year alone.  That’s 20,000 people who may be scoping out Virginia Avenue, St. James Place or Marvin Gardens, surveiling houses and hotels – maybe even planning to rob the bank.”

Named in the suit is the state of New York, Gov Andrew Cuomo and state Attorney General Letitia James.  Cuomo spokesperson Rich Azzopardi said Hasbro was free to take a chance and roll the dice by bringing suit, but he didn’t expect they’d pass go and collect any damages.

Azzopardi added the state wasn’t going to be “railroaded” into revoking the new law.

“Gimme a break,” Azzopardi said with a dismissive gesture.  “It’s not like Hasbro as a monopoly on the whole get-out-of-jail-free game.”


Photo source: Yonkers Times

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. 

Copyright 2020, Dean A. George©

Greta Needs a Chill Pill and a History Lesson

Why is it that doomsday cult worshipers like Greta Thunberg are so intent on destroying capitalism, when capitalism is the world’s only self-sustaining economic system?

Wouldn’t you think with capitalism being a renewable source of economic energy that Gaia worshipers would be big fans? But they’re not, and here’s why:

Climate activism is all about control: what people drive, how energy efficient their homes are, what they eat, which products they use, what clothes they wear – and in the case of Joaquin Phoenix, how often they dry clean their tux.

In short, weather cultists like Saint Greta want to take away individual freedoms for the collective good.  Sound familiar?

Obviously names like Mao Zedong, Karl Marx, and Kim Il-Sung mean nothing to these carbon credit kiddie commandos.  I’d suggest they step away from their junk science whining points and consider reading a little history.

Swedish climate teen Greta Thunberg is a prominent leader in the “We’re-all-going-to-die-because-of-fossil-fuels-and-steak-buffets” parade.   Thunberg was recently named Time’s Person of the Year but even more notably, was mentioned in this space last fall in Left Wingers Have Finally Lost It.

After castigating a UN Assembly last September in her infamous “How Dare You” speech (“You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words.  How dare you!”), lovable Greta is back with more demands, more ranting and more threats in an editorial addressing the upcoming 50th anniversary of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland later this month.

In The Guardian editorial January 10 she wrote, “We demand that at this year’s forum, participants from all companies, banks, institutions and governments immediately halt all investments in fossil fuel exploration and extraction, immediately end all fossil fuel subsidies and immediately and completely divest from fossil fuels.”

Is that all?  Of course not. The persnickety Swede wasn’t done yet.  She also demanded the evil doers comply – now!

“We don’t want these things done by 2050, 2030, or even 2021, we want this done now – as in right now,” she bellowed in print – a neat trick she should think of patenting.

Note to Ms. Thunberg:  the world doesn’t revolve around you or any identity politics group.  In the USA it revolves around “We the people.”

And the will of the people is enacted by v-o-t-i-n-g.  Not by fiat, not by bullying, and not by intimidation.

In other words, keep your static socialism, your refusal to allow for dissenting opinions and your my-way-or-the-highway climate activism on your side of the Atlantic.

And for goodness sake, chill out.  Temper tantrums deplete the ozone.


Photo sources:,,

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. 

Copyright 2020, Dean A. George©

Continue reading“Greta Needs a Chill Pill and a History Lesson”

Portland Enacts Nation’s First Green New Deal

Welcome to 2020!  On January 1 Portland, Oregon officially became the first U.S. city to enact a Green New Deal carbon tax on business.

We’re dubious that’s what businesses fleeing Gavin Newsom’s California meant when saying they were seeking greener pastures than the Death Valley of Capitalism.

The Portland Clean Energy Community Benefits Initiative, or PCECBI, originally passed as a ballot initiative in 2018.  It includes a 1% surtax on big box retailers like Wal-Mart, Target and Home Depot because of climate change or something and represents “a larger political effort to reshape who calls the shots—and who benefits—in America’s whitest big city.”

According to Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler the retailers also deserve a surtax because they use too much plastic and don’t offer group discounts for Rose City Antifa, the oldest active Antifa group in the country.

The new initiative is designed to supply clean, efficient energy, provide rad jobs to people of color, and promote economic justice – presumably by taking from those who have to give to those who want more for doing less.

Mayor Wheeler is confident the city’s third attempt to pass a climate utopia tax will work after two failed attempts because the PCECBI bill enacted this year includes a new wrinkle: a mandate to suspend economic reality.

“PCECBI can thrive because the program won’t be measured by the strict financial metrics that utility-funded projects are measured by.  Instead, PCECBI projects can focus more on less easily measured health and climate benefits,” said group spokesperson Ora Ganic.

In other words, with no real accountability and millions of dollars available through a new surtax on retailers, Portland’s new, new, Green New Deal can’t fail.

“It’s a model for the rest of the nation,” Mayor Wheeler said. “A beacon and a testament to our community’s belief in doing things a different way.”

With city planning like this, how long before Portland at night time resembles North Korea?

Sources: thegatewaypundit

Photo sources:,,

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. 

Copyright 2020, Dean A. George©

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