The Unbroken Thread: Discovering the Wisdom of Tradition in an Age of Chaos – Book Review

Type: Non-fiction

Category: Ethics

Author: Sohrab Ahmari

Pages: 299

Publisher: Convergent

List Price (Hardcover): $23.99

Donald Trump signed an executive order during his last week as president directing the construction of a National Garden of American Heroes “to reflect the awesome splendor of our country’s timeless exceptionalism.”

On May 14th President Joe Biden revoked that executive order to satisfy a political base that doesn’t believe in American exceptionalism or tradition – and presumably because Orange Man Bad suggested it.

Trump’s national Garden of Heroes may not have survived the politically correct weed whacking by recalcitrant wokesters, but readers of Sohrab Ahmari’s The Unbroken Thread – Discovering the Wisdom of Tradition in an Age of Chaos have been tossed a lifeline thread of wisdom in a literary garden blooming with hope and wisdom.

The op-ed editor of the New York Post, Ahmari’s concern for America’s current narcissistic culture pulses on every page of his bestselling book. Written in part for his toddler son, the Iranian-born author and former Muslim-turned-atheist-turned-Roman Catholic explores 12 existential questions about life that mankind has wrestled with since before the time of Christ.

While today’s woke Americans trash American history and Western Civilization by toppling statues, babbling incessantly about critical life theory and gender constructs, The Unbroken Thread taps into the wisdom of historic figures like Aristotle, Russian dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Catholic saint Maximilian Kolbe for genuine answers to the true meaning of life, fulfillment and wisdom.

Parenthood and Christianity

When he was younger the author admittedly thought differently than he does today as a Christian convert and father. When his parents legally immigrated to the United States when he was 13, the teenager dove headfirst into the freedom of expression and thought his new country offered.

“Once I immigrated to the United States, I reveled in the chance to remake myself anew each day. My moral opinions were as interchangeable as my clothing styles and musical tastes. I could pick up and drop this ideology or that,” he writes in the Introduction. “I could be a high school “goth,” a college socialist, a law school neoconservative. I could dabble in drugs and build an identity around my dabbling.”

But after marrying his Chinese architect wife and becoming a parent, Ahmari said he found much of the West’s secularism lacking and empty.

“But what if that confidence of the modern world is an illusion, the product of a determined resolution not to confront the fundamental dilemmas of what it means to be fully human? Or what if beneath the moderns’ complacency lurks a deep soul-soreness?” he writes.

History’s Movers and Shakers

In 12 provocative chapters, Ahmari poses questions that he says modernists should be able to answer, questions like the scope and nature of reason; mankind’s responsibility to the past and future; how and what we worship; how we relate to each other, to our bodies, and to suffering and death.

The book is split evenly between two parts: The Things of God, and the Things of Mankind. Interwoven within the 12 biographies and the philosophical challenges faced by history’s intellectual heavyweights are anecdotes and observations from Ahmari’s personal experiences as a Catholic convert and new parent worried about his son’s future.

In Part 1, Ahmari provides fascinating portrayals of Christian apologist C.S. Lewis, Thomas Aquinas, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, husband and wife sociologists Vic and Edie Turner, black theologian, author and civil rights leader Howard Thurman and Saint Augustine.

Part II and The Things of Mankind offers an interesting palette of biographies of Confucius, Britain’s Father John Henry Newman, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the late feminist Andrea Dworkin, German philosopher Hans Jonas and the Roman philosopher Seneca.

In each portrayal, Ahmari provides compelling snapshots of his subject’s lives, warts and all. He shares how each chapter’s subject dealt with the book’s theme regarding the wisdom of committing to faith and serving others, juxtaposing their experiences with the same challenges confronting today’s selfies-obsessed, hedonistic culture.

Does God Respect You?

In Chapter 5’s Does God Respect You, the author peels away the prejudice and discrimination experienced by black theologian Howard Thurman in early 1900’s Daytona Beach. Using a pleasing narrative style sprinkled with fascinating details, Ahmari writes how Thurman used his Christian faith and powerful intellect to rebut a Hindu nationalist in Sri Lanka in 1935. The Sri Lankan intimated Thurman was a traitor to darker people because his Christian religion was used to discriminate against blacks in Thurman’s homeland.

“Jesus rejected hatred. It was not because he lacked the vitality or the strength. It was not because he lacked the incentive. Jesus rejected hatred because he saw that hatred meant death to the mind, death to the spirit, death to communion with his Father. He affirmed life; and hatred was the great denial,” Thurman wrote in his Christian classic, “Jesus and the Disinherited” describing his reasoning at the time.

Ahmari explained Thurman’s insight this way: “Fear, hypocrisy and hate are powerless before the Christ event – before the infinite Lord who bears the indignity of the finite, so that the finite might be raised to his infinite Lordship,” Ahmari wrote.

The author’s profile on the Catholic bishop Augustine (Chapter 6 – Does God Need Politics), illustrates how the revered saint tried the individualist philosophy as a successful teacher in Milan, Italy, before coming to the same personal realization that millions have encountered over their lifetimes; namely, “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul.” (Mark 8:36)

That spiritual insight and Augstine’s frequent discussions with pagan Romans about their failure to honor God led to his classic tale The City of God. In that book Augustine portrays “the entirety of human history as a tale of two cities: the earthly city, which sought its highest good in this world, and the city of God, which sought it in the next.”

Is Sex a Private Matter?

Not all the profiles Ahmari shares involve religious leaders, such as Chapter 10’s Is Sex a Private Matter? In this chapter Ahmari explores sexual schizophrenia, feminist Andrea Dworkin’s “ferocious” views on the subject, and while her views on pornography and the innate depravity of men as a gender were arguably correct, her refusal to embrace traditional views of male-female relations left her theory muddled and bleak and men without any hope of redemption.

It’s not every author that has the courage to tackle deeply penetrating questions concerning the societal cost of maximizing personal freedom, the difference between liberty and license, and whether the opportunity of freedom without limits is worth it.

America’s Founding Fathers understood the concept that freedom without faith isn’t really freedom, or as James Madison said, our Constitution requires “sufficient virtue among men for self-government,” otherwise, “nothing less than the chains of despotism can restrain them from destroying and devouring one another.”

You might say freedom today as we’ve traditionally known it hangs by a thread, but as Sohrab Ahmari has eloquently shown in his unique book, that thread remains unbroken if we demonstrate the wisdom of honoring tradition.

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. 

Photo sources: Amazon, Catholic Herald, CICWashingtonDC, The Coming Home Network, Zola

Copyright 2021, Dean A. George©

Michael Medved Credits Dental Visit with Helping Save Life

There’s a longstanding joke that the only thing an older person wants for their birthday is not to be reminded how old they are. The exception to that punch line are cancer survivors, who love to be reminded how many years they’ve lived.

I’ve written before in my role with Dental Insurance Store about the importance of regular dental visits in general, and specifically how a routine dental visit can sometimes result in early detection of a more serious health condition such as periodontal disease or oral cancer.

Recently we had the opportunity to talk with a stage 3 throat cancer survivor about his personal experience. When his dental hygienist first noticed an odd lump on his neck, not only did that help save his life, it also allowed him to finish a best-selling book he was working on at the time (his 12th). 

Following weeks of treatment, the subject of this post was eventually allowed to return to the airwaves where he also hosts a ​nationally syndicated radio show and does one-minute film reviews.

We first learned about Michael Medved’s scary health experience when reading the author notes in his book, “The American Miracle: Divine Providence and the Rise of the Republic.” In those notes a very grateful author thanked his dental hygienist Shirley Stettler and dentist, Dr. Robert Gelb for their personal care and sharp eyes that helped detect his cancer early.

He wrote at the time, “In mid-December 2014 a routine visit to the dentist’s office resulted in a diagnosis of stage 3 throat cancer (appropriate, somehow, for a professional radio host) and led to a course of treatment that included eight weeks of radiation and chemotherapy.”

When asked recently about that discovery in a phone interview, Michael recalled the day his dental hygienist first noticed a bump on his neck. “Shirley did my teeth cleaning and everything was fine; no cavities. Suddenly she says, ‘What’s this?’ I said, ‘What’s what?’” Medved recalls asking her.

“She pointed to a small lump on my neck.  You ought to have that looked at. It’s probably nothing, but let’s ask Dr.​Gelb,’” she said. Medved said Dr. Gelb spent a minute or two looking at the lump before agreeing it was probably nothing but suggesting he see a specialist.

“I went to see our family internist and he didn’t think it was anything serious either but referred to me to an ear, nose and throat guy,” Michael recalled. “The ear, nose and throat guy looked into my mouth for about 90-seconds and we did a CAT scan right there in the office. After reviewing that he said, ‘I’m almost sure this is throat cancer.’”

Looking back on that dark day, Michael credits older family members for his devotion to regular dental visits that led to early detection of his cancer.

“For lots of reasons, family reasons, I’m fanatic about dental care,” he admits unabashedly.  “Thank God my teeth have held up pretty well.  My dad wasn’t as careful with his dental care.”

At that point ​the author/radio host, also known for his film reviews, offered a compelling back story.

“My dad had a PhD in physics and was one of the original 16 candidates selected to participate in the original Scientist Astronaut program,” he said.​“He didn’t get to go though, because during his physical he was diagnosed with periodontal disease.

“Dad’s experience really taught all of us kids about the importance of regular dental care,” Medved recalled. Moshe Medved, Michael’s uncle and his father David’s older brother born in Ukraine, also had dental issues which reinforced to Michael and his siblings the importance of taking care of their teeth with regular dental visits.

Medved recalls his own cancer treatment in 2015 consisted of seven weeks of radiation, six weeks of chemotherapy and three weeks in the hospital. Looking back today six years later, the author remains grateful and appreciative for the wide-ranging support he received then and the fact he has remained cancer free since.

“I was working on The American Miracle at the time and I have to say that book wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for my preoccupation with dental care. It was a blessing from God. I think about this all the time, obviously,” he confessed.

For readers unfamiliar with Medved’s print and on-air work, he regularly expresses deep appreciation for the blessings of living in America and a strong belief that divine providence has helped shape our country from its beginning. These are regular themes in his last two books,​ American Miracle and God’s Hand on America: Divine Providence in the Modern Era.

“We are blessed to live in a country where you can get regular medical and dental care and where your teeth don’t have to fall out,” he said appreciatively.

Those listeners familiar with Medved’s long airing syndicated radio show know that’s not a new attitude adopted since his cancer scare; it’s a belief he’s had most of his adult life. Still, being a cancer survivor has only deepened his belief that America is a special country and being an American is a privilege many of us take for granted.

“The blessings we have to live in the 21st century, to live in America, to enjoy the long lives that we do, people take it for granted. They shouldn’t. If anything, it should teach us to appreciate the quality of health care we have,” he said.

We want to thank Michael Medved for taking the time to share his personal experience as an oral cancer survivor with us, and also his right-hand assistant, Karmen Frisvold, for graciously arranging our interview.

Photo source: The Michael Medved Show, Inkwell Management
Copyright 2021, Bloom Insurance Agency, LLC​

God’s Hand on America: Divine Providence in the Modern Era – Book Review

In light of the 2020 COVID chaos, and the subsequent political train wreck because of voting irregularities that would make Machiavelli blush, Americans could be forgiven for asking if God is no longer blessing America.

Americans have often wondered during troubled times throughout our history if the providential protection we’ve been blessed with since before our founding has been withdrawn by the Almighty.

Best selling author and nationally syndicated radio host Michael Medved addresses that concern in God’s Hand on America: Divine Providence in the Modern Era. In his 14th book Medved recalls several instances in modern history when divine intervention helped protect the country from impending doom and helped us thrive as a global power designed to pursue “higher ends and loftier goals.”

Medved shares in fascinating detail ten stories rarely found in the history books, illustrating how the Almighty used people and events to mold American history. At times provocative and reflective, Medved has a gift for making seemingly random events come alive with new purpose when stitched together with other panels in the quilt of American history.

As he shared in an earlier work on the same subject, The American Miracle: Divine Providence in the Rise of the Republic, Medved again deftly pieces together providential portions of our history which has infused our founders from the beginning with the thinking of the Apostle Paul: “If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31)

One example occurs in Chapter 2: North to the Future where Medved describes how Abraham Lincoln’s sixty-three-year old Secretary of State William Seward survived a dangerous carriage accident in 1865 that completely fractured his lower jaw on both sides and his right arm days before Lincoln was assassinated

It was on Good Friday nine days later that the special brace of metal, canvas and wires holding Seward’s jaw together helped save his life during a frantic nighttime knife attack when 20-year-old Lewis Powell, in league with the plot hatched by John Wilkes Booth, attempted to kill the Secretary of State while Booth dispatched Lincoln at Ford’s Theater. Because of the brace Powell was unable to get a clear thrust of his Bowie knife on multiple attempts, and while suffering a severe cut to his right cheek, Seward fared better that fateful Good Friday than the president he served.

Medved’s point is that had Seward died during either of those two catastrophic events occurring over a nine-day period, the United States likely would never have acquired Alaska from Russia in 1867 in what became known as Seward’s Folly.

A more recent example of God smiling on America is detailed in Chapter 5: The Reaper and the Bull Moose concerning the failed assassination attempt of Theodore Roosevelt.

In 1912 during a campaign stop as a third party candidate Roosevelt was shot at close range with a .38 Colt revolver.

Ignoring his aides and doctor’s advice, a weakened but determined former president, still bleeding through his shirt, refused medical attention and insisted on proceeding to a campaign rally to deliver his planned speech days before the presidential election.

With the bullet still lodged in his chest and a handkerchief staunching the flow of blood, Roosevelt spoke for an hour to a Milwaukee assembly that October evening. Chicago doctors examining him the next day credited the bulky 50-page speech and his eyeglass case with deflecting the bullet away from his heart and into his rib.

Fearing removing the fragmented bullet would cause a fatal infection, it remained inside Roosevelt’s rib the rest of his life.

Chapter 7’s The Five-Minute Miracle Medved analyzes the remarkable series of events involving a Hail Mary play by the U.S. Navy over the Midway Islands.

At dawn on June 4th, 1942 a mission involving an array of fighters, dive-bombers and torpedo bombers were dispatched to engage the Japanese Navy in sorties over an extended period to delay or eliminate an expected crippling counterstrike by the enemy.

Due to the diverse maximum speed capabilities and characteristics of the assorted planes, Admiral Raymond Spruance (newly assigned to the carriers involved), ordered the pilots to approach the Japanese fleet from different routes and engage on their own schedules.

As it happened, after many planes overflew their targets and got lost, and others ran out of fuel, the Japanese fleet was suddenly located by the remaining planes. Perfectly spaced and approaching from three directions, the American sorties converged on the Japanese simultaneously in an act of “uncoordinated coordination” over a devastating five-minute period.

The American “kamikaze” attack crushed the bulk of the Japanese fleet in the loosely orchestrated attack that proved to be the turning point of World War II in the Pacific theatre.

As a side note, the small but strategic Midway Islands were also purchased for the United States by William Seward – five months after the purchase of Alaska in 1867.

In Chapter 10’s Forever Upward Medved shares a personal anecdote from when he was a 19-year-old volunteer working for the Robert Kennedy for President campaign in June 1968. The author took a leave of absence from his junior year at Yale (he entered Yale a few months before his 17th birthday) and was on site of Senator Kennedy’s assassination at LA’s Ambassador Hotel with a crowd of 1,500 others at what he wryly called, “the world’s worst victory party.”

Medved said that Kennedy had just concluded remarks calling for an end to the bitter splits infecting both the Democrat Party and the country itself when he disappeared into a kitchen passageway to head upstairs for a televised press conference. The author was preparing to exit himself and was about 20 yards from the door to the kitchen when the crowded ballroom turned as one to what was thought to be the sound of popping balloons in a staccato pattern before piercing screams froze the crowd in its tracks.

“My most vivid memory of the evening involves the sound of that crowd, as all its members instinctively grasped what had happened without being told. The moaning, shrieking, and gasping started at the front, where I stood, and spread to the back of the big ballroom, each individual cry blending into a terrifying animalistic roar.

“The panic hit the far wall, and then bounced back again, rolling like an all-engulfing tidal wave that gathered deadly force, with sobs and pleas now layered above the instinctive noises of fright and horror.”

An exhausted and devastated Medved was informed by his tearful father 26 hours later that Kennedy had died.

Later in the chapter Medved recalls that during a few chaotic years many Americans believed that “God was on vacation” before American optimism and idealism bobbed to the surface again of the national consciousness.

In this fascinating book, Medved not only makes a convincing argument that God has always had a master plan for America, he does so in an engaging voice and optimistic tone that is contagious. Readers are left with the hope that the current emotional valley in which we find ourselves as a nation in 2021 isn’t a permanent state of affairs as long as we the people seek the Almighty’s blessing and help.

When Abraham Lincoln was asked if God favored the Union in the bloodiest conflict in American history, Medved writes Lincoln purportedly responded, “Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side. My greatest concern is to be on God’s side, for God is always right.”

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. 

Photo sources: The Michael Medved Show, The Seattle Times

Copyright 2021, Dean A. George©

In Case You Missed It…

I have a nominee for the next U.S. Supreme Court opening and it’s a woman of color.

A tribal judge on the Wampanoag reservation in Massachusetts ruled March 17 that mail-in balloting would not be permitted for an election later this month because it violated the tribe’s constitution.

“The Constitution is the supreme law, and ordinances are to be consistent with the constitutional letter and spirit,” Judge Amanda WhiteEagle, Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Alternate District Court Judge, said in her court order.

Judge WhiteEagle wasn’t referring to the U.S. Constitution, but regardless she has a better understanding of the “letter and spirit” of constitutional laws than at least half a dozen black robed judges in Washington, D.C.

Her ruling denied a Feb 1 amendment to the election ordinance by the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Council and members of the Election Committee that illegally removed in-person voting and required voting by mail because of COVID panicdemic concerns.

Sound familiar?

Tribal Council member Aaron Tobey, Jr., who is running for tribal chairman, summarized the fallacy of mail-in voting perfectly.

“As elected officials we have the duty to do the right thing, and mail-in voting is not one of them,” he said. “I’m glad the courts are enforcing the laws of the constitution. … This is not the time to experiment with mail-in voting. Voting in person gives more confidence to the voters that the election will be a fair process.”

The tribe is also known as the “People of the First Light.” That’s appropriate considering they have seen the light of the folly of mail-in balloting long before many Americans who’ve drank the Democrats’ scamdemic Kook-Aid.

Isn’t it amazing that a Wampanoag tribal judge and a member of the council representing a mere 2,940 tribal members has a better understanding of American jurisprudence and legal ethics than six of the nine members of the U.S. Supreme Court?

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. 

Photo sources:,

Copyright 2021, Dean A. George©

Woke Parents, Broken Kids

Thanks to another mind blowing episode of wokeness, parents and children who’ve enjoyed Dr. Seuss classics for decades will no longer be able to buy six of those titles, including two that won national awards for children’s literature.

On March 2 Dr. Seuss Enterprises announced plans to cease publication of six titles penned by author Theodor Geisel that allegedly feature “racist and insensitive imagery.” In its March 2 press release (which disappointingly failed to rhyme) the organization said, “These books portray people in ways that are hurtful and wrong.”

For example, in the book “The Cat’s Quizzer,” a Japanese character is referred to as “a Japanese” (the horror), has a bright yellow face (so do the Simpson’s and Caucasians aren’t complaining) and is standing on what appears to be Mt. Fuji. (A real mountain and revered Japanese landmark.)

Other Seuss titles being permanently shelved include, “And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street,” “If I Ran the Zoo,” “McElligot’s Pool,” “On Beyond Zebra!,” and “Scrambled Eggs Super!”

The imagery and narrative in these books is shocking I tell you! And the plot lines – why, I never! See for yourself:

McElligot’s Pool (1947) -This Seuss book won the Caldecott award in 1948 and was the first Seuss book to feature full-covered color art on every page. Little Marco (not Marco Rubio) daydreams of all the possibilities that await while he fishes in McElligot’s Pool. Yikes, a kid with imagination who likes to pretend. If only he’d had access to Fortnight and a Playstation readers may have been spared his bigotry and hate.

If I Ran the Zoo (1950) -In another Caldecott-winning children’s picture book, a boy named Gerald McGrew imagines having his own zoo and the adventures he’d have gathering his zoo animals. One of Gerald’s imaginary creatures was the “Nerd” so expect for that word to be banned in the near future.

Scrambled Eggs Super! (1953) – a book about a character named Peter T. Hooper looking for rare bird eggs because he’s tired of regular scrambled eggs. Maybe if his parents had offered him organic avocado spread on gluten-free toast with lactose-free almond milk the book would still be in print.

On Beyond Zebra! (1955) – what if the alphabet didn’t stop at the letter “Z?” Conrad Cornelius o’Donald o’Dell creates a brand new alphabet and it begins with “Z.” The book contains twenty new letters and the creatures one can spell using them. Let’s see, children can learn how to sound out words, see drawings of imaginary animals they’ll never find at the zoo and discover how to think outside the box.

No, we can’t have that. Learning to think critically contradicts critical race theory and what would the woke mob think about that!

Meanwhile, some enlightened and woke parents recently posted their child enthusiastically reading the “GayBC’s” on Twitter and are atwitter with tweets commending them on their inclusivity and courage on nurturing their child’s gender dyslexia.  


In today’s gender-free culture men can pretend to be women, women can pretend to be men, men pretending to be women can compete in sports with girls growing into women, and the country is being told by a transgender pediatrician under consideration as Assistant Director of Health and Human Services to let children aged three and four choose to change their gender?

And we’re worried about a 66-year-old children’s book describing a kid creating a new alphabet?

And to Think I Saw It on Mulberry Street (1964) Little Marco returns (still not that Marco Rubio) and wants to spice up Mulberry Street by creating a colorful cast of characters in his imagination. So a fictional little boy uses his creativity and pretend prowess and the left goes bat guano loco? If only little Marco had had e-Learning and hormone therapy, perhaps his/er/ziz woke parents wouldn’t have had to bully the most successful children’s book publisher of all time.

I don’t know about you, but I feel kids are much safer with this:

than this:

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. 

Photo sources: TMZ, KPBS, ABC 27, WWL-TV

Copyright 2021, Dean A. George©

Rush Limbaugh – ‘A Second Generation Founding Father’

The Doctor of Democracy.

President of the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies.

Maha-Rushi, the harmless little fuzzball and all-around nice guy who went nose to nose with liberalism with half his brain tied behind his back, just to make it fair.

Yes, America’s Anchorman with talent on loan from God returned that talent to God – in person and with accrued interest – February 17 when he passed away following a courageous fight against Stage 4 lung cancer.

Rush Hudson Limbaugh III of Cape Girardeau, Missouri spent nearly half of his life as a nationally syndicated radio commentator on The Rush Limbaugh Show. Thirty-two years after the show launched it is still heard weekly by 27 million people on over 600 AM and FM radio stations across the fruited plains.

A bunch of my high school friends and I email often, and they occasionally tease me about how my political views have changed over the years. Rush wasn’t the only reason for that transformation, but he was probably the biggest factor that converted me from a head full of mush to a solid conservative proud of America and her traditions.

I was first introduced to Rush on the radio in the late 1980’s when I worked for a Dallas, TX book publisher. My employer published reference sources on state and federal government and international governments (pre-Internet), and to better present the books and subscription service to libraries, it was essential I stay informed on current events, both domestic and international.

On the job it was verboten to discuss politics or express political opinions of any kind, but it was helpful for my presentations to be knowledgeable on current events like the breakup of the Soviet Union and national elections.

During this time Rush was my constant companion as I traveled Indiana and surrounding states. I enjoyed the opportunity of listening to the proud Missouri native serving humanity just by being here, and it didn’t matter where here was.

He’d keep me company on those work days away from my wife and sons, and he really was a guiding light and excellent source at keeping me on the edge of societal evolution. Together over 12 years and thousands of miles we really did have more fun than two human beings should be allowed to have.

I remember like it was yesterday the heady feeling of nailing a nice sale around noon before returning to my car, turning on the radio and hearing Rush’s buttery baritone. If I was really lucky and when serendipity was at its zenith, I would tune in just in time to hear The Pretenders’ bass-infused “My City was Gone” playing before his always excellent opening monologue.

I’ve had less opportunity to listen after leaving field sales 20 years ago, although I occasionally still enjoyed a sliver of my daily bread with Rush’s commentary over lunch in my car. As advertised, he routinely exceeded audience expectations on a daily basis. El Rushbo was a master satirist, and his parodies were instant classics.

Not only did I learn something every show, I often found myself laughing out loud. “Don’t doubt me,” he’d say after making a prescient point. And I didn’t.

Working remotely the past 11 months during the COVID “panicdemic,” I’ve had more opportunity of listening to Rush again. Knowing the days he shared with us were coming to an end, I tuned in as often as possible. Despite the hopeless prognosis of his terminal illness, not once did I catch a hint of self-pity or pleas for sympathy. He was gung-ho and game on until the very end.

Long time producer James Golden, aka Bo Snerdley, recently called Rush, “A Second Generation Founding Father” and no doubt Rush would have loved that.

President Trump taught conservatives how to fight, and Rush Limbaugh taught millions of conservatives how to think. How to think critically and debate intelligently as happy warriors in the ongoing culture wars. How to persuade and defend an opinion, and lest we forget, how absurdity can often best be illustrated by being absurd.

Throughout his last few months on the air, Rush faced his mortality with grit, class and appreciation for the thousands of prayers offered on his and his wife Kathryn’s behalf. He left us a rich legacy as a happy warrior and a confident Christian who knew it was time to go home and begin a new enduring chapter of broadcast excellence.

Godspeed Rush, and thank you for your service to America and her ideals. Rest in peace, my friend.

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. 

Copyright 2021, Dean A. George©

Former Presidents Demand Names Be Removed from California Schools

The San Francisco Board of Education recently approved changing the long-time names of 44 schools in their district due to insufficient wokeness by the heroic, historic figures for which the schools were named.

The board voted to remove famous names like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln and replace them with more deserving names as judged by today’s superior moral standards.

The truth though, is that the three former presidents have demanded for years their names be removed from California public schools because of the inferior quality of education students were receiving. It was damaging the legacies and personal reputations of the former presidents, they said.

“We had no choice in the matter,” former President George Washington told a small gathering of press, most of whom like San Francisco students had no idea of the trio’s identity because American history classes have been history for several years in the nation’s public schools and universities.

“Why would we want our names affixed to schools with such poor curriculums and students less historically astute than my horse? Great Jehoshaphat, my library at Mount Vernon had more books in it than your board of education members will ever read,” Washington sniffed.

Thomas Jefferson agreed with the nation’s first Commander-in-Chief.

“Pretty cheeky of these so-called ‘education’ administrators voting to remove our names when our lawyers filed cease-and-desist orders first. Besides, these education dullards haven’t even opened their school doors since last March because they’re ‘following the science!’ Zounds, these ‘science’ geniuses can’t comprehend basic biology because they don’t know which privy is for boys and which is for girls!”

The nation’s 16th president, as was his wont, chose to see the humor in the situation.

“The board says they want our names removed because we perpetuated slavery and genocide,” Lincoln said with a twinkle in his eye. “That’s remarkable since several states are wanting to make June 19th a holiday commemorating the emancipation of the slaves whose idea was, wait for it…mine!”

“But what about the oppression of gays and transgenders? How did you justify that?” a whiny MSNBC reporter wearing yoga pants and three masks asked Mr. Lincoln.

“My dear, I’ve seen your college transcripts and SAT scores. Alexander Ocasio-Cortez’s, too. Oh my! How did you get a degree from a school of higher learning when you thought the Civil War was fought for American independence from Canada and Dred Scott was a gangsta rapper?”

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. 

Photos: South Dakota Public Broadcasting,

Copyright 2021, Dean A. George©

Most Admired Man Vote was Fixed: Obama

Former President Barack Obama announced today he is filing a formal protest for a vote recount of the December 29th Gallup Poll naming President Donald Trump as the Most Admired Man of 2020.

According to Gallup, President Trump beat out former President Obama 18% to 15% in a national poll conducted Dec 1-Dec 17 asking the question, “What man that you have heard or read about, living today in any part of the world, do you admire most?”

At a peaceful protest by Antifa and Black Lives Matter, Obama’s lawyers cited a wide range of voting irregularities during the poll tabulation, including suspicious mail-in ballots originating from drop boxes at Trump hotel properties, dead people voting, and the physical obstruction of Obama ballot watchers watching the counting by Russian mercenaries disguised as Georgia Democrat Senate candidates Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.

“In one of the most glaring examples of election fraud in this sham poll, Gallup voting was ostensibly halted the evening votes were being tabulated because of a water leak,” Obama spokesperson Chance Makers said. “Within hours we learned that the alleged problem was really just a toilet leak in the outhouse of Gallup headquarters.”

Makers also said Obama’s legal team has collected film footage of fixed polling results being hauled out from under tables after the room had been evacuated. The ballots were allegedly run through a tabulating machine several times that according to the Obama team is wirelessly connected with a web server at Proud Boys headquarters.

The server in question allegedly stored Obama votes before they were surreptiously switched to Trump using a sophisticated algorithm involving Biden syntax and Trump tweets.

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. 
Photo source: FidoSysop

Copyright 2021, Dean A. George©

Joe Biden’s Supreme Court Plan

Joe Biden is fed up about questions concerning stacking the U.S. Supreme Court and earlier today he took action to put the matter to rest.

Appearing this morning on an exclusive live podcast at Tupac Shakur Elementary School in Wilmington, Delaware, Biden sat with 5th grader and podcast host LaToya James.

“Thanks for having me on LeBron, and thanks for the opportunity to share with voters my preference on whether or not to expand the Supreme Court from the current 9 million injustices to 12 hundred or a baker’s dozen.

“While it’s true the number of Supreme Court justices has been nine for the past 150 centuries, it’s also true there’s nothing in the USS Constitution prohibiting adding a few more black robes to the bench if it feels right,” Biden said while peeking around his disposable mask worn inside out and over one eye.

“And if it feels good, do it, right Lavonne,” the Democrat presidential candidate said, winking with his mask covered eye while leaning in trying to sniff the 10-year-old’s hair.

“I mean, look it up for gosh’s sake. Nowhere in the Emancipation Pronunciation or in that hollowed out document we hold sincerely does it say those rights which are self-evidentiary be proclaimed with liberty and nine justices for all.”

At this point Tupac Shakur principal Dorothea Lovejoy tried to unclip the microphone from Biden’s lapel but the 77-year-old former vice-president nuzzled her hand with his nose before rambling on.

“C’mon, man, you know these are the facts and facts trump the truth, regardless of whoever is sitting in the White House – whether it’s me, Donald Trump, or my old nemesis Corn Pop,” he said before removing his mask and coughing into his hand.

“Now, I hope this puts an end to all the malarkey about me refusing to say how I plan to vote for U.S. Senate,” the Democrat candidate said.

“I’m Joe Biden, and I approve this message.”

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who know God has blessed our country. 

Sources: The Gateway Pundit

Photo sources: KWTX,

Copyright 2020, Dean A. George© 

Biden To Debate Self in Basement

Hidin’ Joe Biden is in a quandary.

The Commission on Presidential Debates decided without telling either candidate that it was canceling the second presidential candidate Oct 15th in Miami, Florida and going with a virtual debate format instead.

President Donald Trump criticized the commission’s decision, saying he wouldn’t participate in a virtual debate because it was a “waste of time” and the commission was doing it to protect his opponent. The president announced instead he would do a virtual town hall today on Rush Limbaugh’s nationally syndicated radio show.

Where does that leave Uncle Joe?

“I don’t know what I’ll do,” Joe Biden said from the brightly colored Fisher-Price conference table in his basement. “I’m tired of finger painting and playing Go Fish with Jill, and my campaign manager suggested we donate all my Play-Doh to college students because they think Trump is going to win in a tsunami and they knead it more than I do.

“C’mon, man,” the Democrat candidate said in exasperation while sniffing the hair of the Cabbage Patch Doll he was fondling.

A second later Biden grew thoughtful.

“Of course, all these tsunamis, hurricanes and dog faced pony soldier shortages are Donald Trump’s fault, because he’s more interested in helping his stock market friends than he is wearing a mask and protecting the American people from black women stocking store shelves and the, you know, the thing described in the Emancipation Pronunciation and the Magnum Carter.

When asked why he wouldn’t do his own virtual town hall with a nationally syndicated liberal talk show host, Biden looked like his questioner was daft.

“C’mon man, Corn Pop left the biz years ago and there isn’t anyone who could fill his shoe-bi-do-bi-do’s. Not even Vladamir Putin’s buddy, Rushian Limbaugh,” the former Vice-President spat emphatically in the mask he wore inside out and over one nostril.

When last seen the dejected former Vice-President was practicing karate chops in front of a floor length mirror and shouting, “If the Coronavirus wasn’t man enough to do the job Trump, I’ll take you out with the Kung flu moves Barack taught me. Aiyeeeee!!!

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who know God has blessed our country. 

Photo sources: Washington Post, Slate

Copyright 2020, Dean A. George© 

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