What’s the opposite of American exceptionalism? The Democrat party.
Whoops, that was a Freudian slip. What I meant to say was that the identity politics Democrats practice is antithetical to American exceptionalism.
For years liberals and progressives have preached the gospel of inclusivity and diversity. (I mention both groups to be more inclusive and diverse.)
From the left’s skewed perspective, what makes America great are our differences: race, skin pigment, religion, biological gender (real or imagined), gender identity, (always imagined if different from biological gender), sexual orientation (often misguided), national origin and age .
On the other hand, conservatives believe subordinating those qualities that make us different and melding them into a synthesis of Americanism is what makes our country exceptional.
In a word, unity is the preferred ideal and the embodiment of American exceptionalism.
Having people of different backgrounds and ethnicities focus on a shared cause and purpose has always been the American way. This is often referred to as the melting pot.
Liberals view America not as a melting pot, but as a smelting vat.
To listen to their messaging, the left believes celebrating our differences and favoring various groups over others is what makes America unique.
They regurgitate hackneyed responses accentuating those differences -Trump hates brown people and uses Central American children as kiddie caddies at his golf resorts – to create enthusiasm with Democrat voters but there’s a problem: their pandering is fool’s gold patriotism.
Comrade Bernie Sanders wants Medicare for all, free college tuition and forgiveness of over a trillion dollars in student debt. Spartacus Booker and Kamala “Tupak” Harris want slave reparations.
Fauxahontas Warren wants tax reparations for gays because gay marriage was only legalized a few years ago.
Pete “No Mas Pence” Buttigieg wants to reverse the ban on transgenders in the military and “Hair Sniffer” Biden wants to legalize naps in the workplace.
The Democrat primary is becoming a game of who can give away more tax dollars to satisfy the most “gimmes” with their hands-out.
The problem for 2020 Democrat primary candidates though is there aren’t enough reparations, quotas, exemptions and set-asides to feed all the different tribes they’re hustling.
By the time the “gimmes” figure that out, the 2020 Democrat clown circus is going to implode on its own combustion.
Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. For those who don’t, God bless you but there’s nothing here for you to see.
Sources: TheMaddestTruth, Hansel Traven, Saturday Night Live, Blaze TV, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, CBS News, The DC Shorts
Photo sources: InfoWars.com, ArtandResponse.com, thepatriot-welcome
Copyright 2019, Dean A. George©