Portland Enacts Nation’s First Green New Deal

Welcome to 2020!  On January 1 Portland, Oregon officially became the first U.S. city to enact a Green New Deal carbon tax on business.

We’re dubious that’s what businesses fleeing Gavin Newsom’s California meant when saying they were seeking greener pastures than the Death Valley of Capitalism.

The Portland Clean Energy Community Benefits Initiative, or PCECBI, originally passed as a ballot initiative in 2018.  It includes a 1% surtax on big box retailers like Wal-Mart, Target and Home Depot because of climate change or something and represents “a larger political effort to reshape who calls the shots—and who benefits—in America’s whitest big city.”

According to Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler the retailers also deserve a surtax because they use too much plastic and don’t offer group discounts for Rose City Antifa, the oldest active Antifa group in the country.

The new initiative is designed to supply clean, efficient energy, provide rad jobs to people of color, and promote economic justice – presumably by taking from those who have to give to those who want more for doing less.

Mayor Wheeler is confident the city’s third attempt to pass a climate utopia tax will work after two failed attempts because the PCECBI bill enacted this year includes a new wrinkle: a mandate to suspend economic reality.

“PCECBI can thrive because the program won’t be measured by the strict financial metrics that utility-funded projects are measured by.  Instead, PCECBI projects can focus more on less easily measured health and climate benefits,” said group spokesperson Ora Ganic.

In other words, with no real accountability and millions of dollars available through a new surtax on retailers, Portland’s new, new, Green New Deal can’t fail.

“It’s a model for the rest of the nation,” Mayor Wheeler said. “A beacon and a testament to our community’s belief in doing things a different way.”

With city planning like this, how long before Portland at night time resembles North Korea?

Sources: thegatewaypundit

Photo sources: reddit.com, grist.org, oregonlive.com

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. 

Copyright 2020, Dean A. George©


  1. William Bray

    “a climate utopia tax” another excellent real world description from Dean Riffs, and with “no real accountability and millions of dollars available through a new surtax on retailers” sounds like a recipe for taxation without representation and another way to spin another leftist hoax as a national model. Great work Dean Riffs, keep slinging the truthful to help root out the fake news and information that we seem to be bombarded with. Poor Portland retailers.

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