Impeachment Lite is a Dud

“Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from another you been messin’ around…”
REO Speedwagon

President Donald Trump obliterated the anonymous CIA whistleblower’s complaint of messin’ around with Ukraine by releasing a verbatim transcript of his call with the Ukrainian president.

Sadly, it isn’t a coincidence that another whistleblower popped up almost immediately.

Cue “Pop Goes the Weasel.”

According to multiple sources, the second whistleblower claims they can speak “directly” concerning events about the president’s conversation with Ukraine.

That’s what the first whistleblower claimed, too – until it was later learned that his/her formal complaint was based on secondhand and third-hand sources.

That isn’t whistleblowing as much as spitting in the wind.

How do we know that Whistleblower #2 isn’t just whistling Dixie regarding what they claim they know? We don’t, but that doesn’t stop the mainstream media from reporting it as gospel.

Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from another.

“Whistleblower Gate” is the same chicanery the Democrats used when trying to block Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination last fall.

First it was psychologist and statistics professor Christine Blasey-Ford who played the odds by making unsubstantiated allegations against Kavanaugh.

Next up in joining the muckraking mosh pit was Kavanaugh’s Yale classmate Deborah Ramirez, and finally, 15-minutes of fame diva Julie Swetnick did her cannonball into the corruption cesspool – before recanting.

See the pattern? #MeToo.

Now we have a similar game plan with the Ukrainian phone call imbroglio.  When the Deep State narrative begins to lag and the pendulum of doubt starts to swing the other way, Democrats trot out another whistleblower to back up the story of the earlier whistleblower(s).

Former State Department employee and whistleblower Peter Van Buren says that’s an old CIA trick called a “feedback loop.”

“Essentially what you do is you set up one of your sources to back up another source and you make it appear that your initial source is more credible by feeding information into the loop. That’s what seems to be going on here. They’re re-purposing a witness as a second whistleblower,” he told Tucker Carlson Oct 7.

Van Buren called it a “three way pitch-and-toss” between the Deep State whistleblowers, the Democrat Party and the mainstream media.

That may be one name for the Deep State’s reprehensible behavior, but here’s another one:  “impeachable.”

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. 

Sources: The Gateway Pundit, Fox News 

Photo Sources:, Flickr,

Copyright 2019, Dean A. George©

Will Dr. Blasey Ford Show or Not?

California psychologist and Palo Alto University statistics professor Christine Blasey Ford is scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday at 10 a.m. that Judge Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her while both were in high school.

Ford’s high school yearbook photo

Statistics are all about probability, so here’s a probable statistic: there’s a very good probability that Dr. Ford doesn’t even show up, let alone testify, at tomorrow’s hearing.

Four reasons why:

First, since initially bringing the charges earlier this month, her story has crumbled faster than an Animal House cookie run over by the Indianapolis Colts offensive line.

Know the saying, “There’s no there, there?” With Dr. Ford’s story, there’s not only no there, there, but there’s also no where, when, or who was present. Her story has more holes than a a Special Forces gun range target.

Second, she’ll be under oath and her testimony will be subject to perjury charges. Not to mention the challenge of presenting as truth long repressed memories brought forward by hypnotherapy – 30 years after the fact.

Brett and Ashley Kavanaugh

Third, if any of this political soap opera is to be believed at all, she never wanted her allegations to go public.  Desperate to slow, delay and obstruct Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation, it was only after the confirmation proceedings were concluding that California Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein went public with the allegations.

It’s one thing to subvert a judicial confirmation by delaying the proceedings with outlandish allegations from afar, but something else entirely to testify under oath before millions on national TV.

Finally, if she does testify, the Democrats risk exposing their filthy deeds in this despicable charade, including who leaked Ford’s allegations to the Washington Post, whether she was asked specifically about Brett Kavanaugh on the polygraph we’re told she passed, and what Democrats promised her to come forward and testify.

If they promised that going public with her story was no big deal, she may want to consider who the real villains are.

Take it to the bank: there’s a better chance that this whole episode blows up in Democrats’ faces than Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testifies.

And if she does testify and tells the truth, complicit Democrats may have more to fear than Judge Kavanaugh does.

Photo sources:, Jacquelyn Martin AP,

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. For those who believe in open borders, safe spaces, and who think free speech is hate speech, move on – there’s nothing here for you to see.


Copyright 2018, Dean A. George©


Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearing: Day One

EDITOR’S NOTE: Since this article was posted, attorneys for Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford have reneged on their earlier pledge that she would be willing to testify under oath anytime, anywhere about her claims against Judge Brett Kavanaugh.  Regardless, many clowns and other liberal entertainers are sure to keep this confirmation circus going until Judge Kavanaugh is confirmed. 

Based on their pathetic efforts to obstruct the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, who knows what silly sophistry the Dems will exhibit next Monday when the esteemed judge and the “regressive hypnotherapy”-practicing California professor appear before the Senate to address 36-year-old scurrilous charges she raised anonymously two months ago.

Whatever political posturing they display, it’ll be hard for Democrats to outdo the political theatrics and somersaults of stupidity witnessed by millions when Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings began with multiple objections from “Car Mall” Harris, “I Am Spartacus” Booker and  “Klondikebar” Klobuchar.

Immediately after the hearing began, senators demanded one by one the hearing be delayed because, well, climate change or something. This was just like Director of Political Circus Productions Chuck Schumer scripted it.

Senators objected to everything from the vetting process and the number of Kavanaugh papers that weren’t provided to the 42,000 that were provided and the way Kavanaugh parts his hair.

“We cannot possibly move forward, Mr. Chairman, with this hearing,” said Kamala Harris at the top of the proceedings.  Sorry Car Mall, but they can and they did.

When that dog and pony show got old, enter the pink pussy hat parade and other Trump Derangement Syndrome protesters who were arrested one-by-one, but not before collecting their cash bail money from protest organizers. Over 60 protesters were hauled off and arrested in the worst mass case of needed spanking in recent memory.

Also on that first day of confirmation hearing temper tantrums, a fervent anti-Trump doctor almost blew up the Internet when tweeting a photo of Republican legal operative Zina Bash secretly flashing a “white power hand signal” to millions of viewers watching the hearings.

This brief melodrama was later quashed when Bash’s husband alerted the media that his wife was born in Mexico, her mother is Mexican, her father is Jewish, and her grandparents were Holocaust survivors.

Perhaps if the doctor had demonstrated more “patience,” she wouldn’t have committed intelligence malpractice.

Friends, never underestimate the ability of Democrats to obliterate commonsense and basic etiquette when the world is watching.  Hopefully in November voters will put them in a two-year timeout without supper or safe spaces.

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. For those who believe in open borders, safe spaces, and who think free speech is hate speech, move on – there’s nothing here for you to see.


Photo sources:,,


Copyright 2018, Dean A. George©

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