March Madness and Mueller Hysteria

Last week millions enjoyed wall to wall basketball for four days but Sunday afternoon brought an extra bonus for political junkies.

The icing on the March Madness cake was topped Sunday afternoon with this cherry of just desserts: a stake in the heart of the Democrats’ deluded illusion of Russian collusion.

For those who follow the news, the ending of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s 675-day, $25 million-plus investigation shall forever be known as “Mueller’s March Madness.”

Mueller’s diary of supposed Trump collusion and obstruction findings was revised to an Attention Deficit Disorder-friendly four-page summary by Attorney General William Barr and emphasized what people who never watch CNN or MSNBC have known all along – there is no there there.

Shocked and stunned Democrats, the media mongrels that have fed this impeachment pablum to their duped audiences, and Hollyweird elitists who fantasized about playing a starring role in the made for TV movie about Trump’s removal from office, are suddenly left with nothing more than blubbery tears and impeachment fantasies.

Bette Midler was “sick at heart” with an “uncontrollable rage.” Cher remained in denial about Trump’s crime, corruption and ties to Russia.  Actor Sean Astin mocked Mueller for his seeming inability “to indict a ham sandwich.”

How unhinged was Hollyweird’s reaction to the news? Rosie O’Donnell was reconsidering her earlier promise of getting a Mueller tattoo and Chelsea Handler confessed “my sexual attraction to him (Mueller) is in peril.”

No doubt Mueller is losing sleep at this news.

Media pundits suffered, too. Rachel Maddow interrupted her vacation to cry on air.  Chris Matthews was livid.  Bill Maher doubled down on Trump being a traitor and “a whiny bitch.”

CNN’s Chris Cillizza argued Mueller’s milestone “is the end of the beginning, not the beginning of the end.”

This seems appropriate since liberals are already chasing their ridiculous impeachment tale in circles – like the mongrels they are.

But guess what? Democrat dyspepsia is about to get worse and here’s why: Trump now holds all the cards.

The president can declassify the FISA documents. He can go public with all the documents the Justice Department and FBI refused to release.

He can and should ignore congressional subpoenas and requests for testimony and documents already investigated by Mueller.

In short, he can now go on offense against all the swamp creatures that have hounded and persecuted him, his staff and his family members the past two years.

The hunted is now the hunter. There is nowhere those attempting a coup of a duly elected president can hide.

Trump knows it. His supporters know it.

Soon Deep State players like John Brennan and James Comey will know it too.

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. For those who believe free speech is hate speech, move on – there’s nothing here for you to see.

Photo sources:, DC Statesman, Bustle

Copyright 2019, Dean A. George©

The S.S. Democrat is Sinking

Mark the week of March 4 on your calendars as the day the Democrat party hit a political iceberg – a titanic one.

First, bartender turned socialist broken record Alexandria Or Else Communista continued her dogged opposition to cow farts and the banning of airplanes outlined in her climate change fantasy New Green Deal.

More recently “The Boss” tagged Ronald Reagan as a racist “screwing over working class Americans,” said Americans without jobs are left to die, and just today accused the CEO of Wells-Fargo of financing human rights abuses and environmental disasters.

Next, Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar, the Somali-American that moved to Minneapolis’ Little Mogadishu district as a teenager, continued to inadvertently stump for President Trump and Republicans recapturing the House with anti-Semitic slurs that would make Nazis dead and alive proud.

Her comment last week that Jews supporting Israel have dual allegiance was met with immediate expulsion from the influential House Foreign Affairs Committee and unanimous censor by her fellow Democrats.

Just kidding.

Actually San Fran Nan and the Democrat leadership folded faster than a circus tent in a F-5 tornado.

Not only was Omar not mentioned by name in the bill her hateful words forced the Dems to write, she was allowed to help write the legislation condemning hate in all its hateful forms.

In short, H. Res 183 “Encourages all public officials to confront the reality of anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, racism, and other forms of bigotry, as well as historical struggles against them.”

It’s doubtful that this scatter gun condemnation of hate will comfort nervous Jewish constituents since it was their allegiance and theirs alone she questioned.

The bill also warns the following forms of hate will not be tolerated:

“Whereas white supremacists in the United States have exploited and continue to exploit bigotry and weaponize hate for political gain, targeting traditionally persecuted peoples, including African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and other people of color, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, the LGBTQ community, immigrants, and others with verbal attacks, incitement, and violence.”

Whew – that’ll certainly come in handy when those bigoted Southern Baptists clinging to their guns and Bibles spread their intolerance and hate during an anti-Islamic jihad call to prayer in Everytown, USA.

Or when fascist Christian bakers refuse to cater a LGBTQ wedding between a visual and hearing challenged one-legged transgender ex-nun marrying zir’s German Shepherd-Shih Tzu mix.

With Democrat firebrands like Omar and Occasionally-Cognizant spewing such sophistry, #Trump 2020 is all but guaranteed.

Photo sources: Ocean Liners Magazine, New York Post

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. 

Copyright 2019, Dean A. George©

A New Low – Dems Support Infanticide

Just when you think Democrats can’t stoop any lower, their amorality and dearth of common decency drags them further down the cesspool of moral depravity.


On February 25, only 53 United States senators voted for the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.

In essence the bill said, any doctor or healthcare practitioner present at the time of birth “must exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child as a reasonably diligent and conscientious health care practitioner would render to any other child born alive at the same gestational age.”

A vote of 60 senators was required to pass what just a few years ago would have been a commonsense piece of legislation.

Last week only three Democrats supported the bill and 44 opposed it – including all the party’s 2020 presidential candidates.  Not a single Republican senator opposed the bill sponsored by Nebraska Republican Ben Sasse.

Apparently the Dems’ recent obsession with ‘Medicare for All‘ applies to everyone except newborns who miraculously survive attempts to snuff out their lives.

In the eyes of those Democrats’ who voted against Sasse’s bill, babies not only have no right to Medicare for All, they also don’t deserve to live.

Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you.”

If God had plans for a baby before it was born but a mother decides for whatever reason the baby is no longer wanted (after carrying it to term the previous nine months), what does that do to God’s plan for that child?

Why do Democrats lobby constantly for the rights of those here illegally, both children and adults, but don’t give a whit for the lives of helpless American infants surviving late term abortion?

Is there any reason why Planned Parenthood and the Democrat Party would oppose saving the life of infants whom have survived abortion, other than the money earned from harvesting their body parts?

Has one of our country’s two major parties sunk so low that not only does it advocate aborting babies born alive in the name of womens’ rights, but they support the harvesting of infant body parts in the name of blood profit?

Matthew 19:14 says, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” (ESV)

When God authored His magnificent plan of salvation, he intentionally saw that mankind’s hope and salvation took the form of a helpless, needy human infant.

An infant not unlike those born today – when they’re allowed to live. 

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. 

Photo sources:,, NRL News Today

Copyright 2019, Dean A. George©


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