A Little Jab Will Do You – Or Will It?

Back in the 1950’s Brylcreem ran an advertising campaign for their men’s hair product with the slogan, ” A little dab’ll do ya.” Seventy years later the CDC has unwittingly repurposed that theme while encouraging COVID vaccinations: “A little jab’ll do ya.”

But will it? Depends on whom you ask.

Q: Will the Pfizer, Moderna or Johnson and Johnson vaccines protect you from catching COVID?

A: No, but President Biden and Anthony Fauci say you should get the jab so America can bend the curve or get back to normal or something.

Q: Will the jab keep you from transmitting COVID?

A: No, and questioning the efficacy of the jab may mean you’re a white Christian nationalist mouth breather. If you ask why the thousands of illegals coming in through the southern border aren’t required to be vaccinated, you may be a white Christian nationalist xenophobe.

Q: Once jabbed, can you quit wearing a mask and no longer worry about social distancing?

A: No, because you can still catch COVID and infect others, you selfish jerk! Fun fact: did you know that if you get the jab and die within 14 days, your medical record will list you as “unvaccinated?”

Q: So why get the experimental gene therapy jab?

A: If you do catch COVID it minimizes the symptoms and will probably keep you out of the hospital, though the chances of needing hospitalization are minimal anyway unless you are obese, have one or more co-morbidities and someone in hospital administration hears you have a cough.

Q: Is it true many hospitals are currently overrun with COVID cases?

A: No. Whistleblowers are providing evidence and leaked Zoom calls from hospital marketing meetings show that like many things with this scamdemic, hospitals being overrun with COVID emergencies isn’t true.

Q: Are most doctors and nurses getting the jab?

No. Many nurses have quit their jobs when being forced to undergo the jab and over 860,000 doctors worldwide have signed the Great Barrington Declaration recommending focused protection for the most vulnerable rather than mass vaccinations of an experimental gene therapy for everyone.

Q: Is the jab safe?

A: Not if you believe the self-reporting VAERS database the CDC uses. One NYC doctor says VAERS is grossly undercounting the number of deaths and significant side effects caused by the jab.

Q: Will a jab of the CDC’s magic elixir protect you against different variants of COVID?

A: No. The vaccine is only effective against the original variant of COVID, and is reportedly only good for 5-6 months. Kind of like taking a flu vaccine left over from two or three years ago. It might work…?

Q: Are there any other benefits to getting the jab other than it minimizes symptoms from the original COVID virus?

A: You can go places that require proof of being jabbed like restaurants, concerts, health clubs and football stadiums. Oh, you also get a cool card identifying you as a “vaccinated” person and the privilege of unlimited virtue signaling if that’s your thing.

Q: Let’s see if we understand what we’re being told. Even if you’ve had COVID, you’re being asked to take the jab to presumably protect others and eliminate the pandemic, though you can still get sick and transmit the virus?

A: Yes. The question we all need to ask is why are health bureaucrats like Tony Fauci and our elected leaders pleading/insisting/demanding/mandating/shaming everyone to take an experimental gene therapy that doesn’t provide immunity, doesn’t prevent transmission, works only on the original COVID variant, and doesn’t last more than a few months?

Fauci has warned for weeks its probable another, more dangerous variant may be on the horizon. If we don’t stand up as a united people, defy the medical tyranny of the past 19 months and reclaim our freedom as individuals, Dr. Gloom may be right about a dangerous new variant.

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. 

Sources: Deutsche Welle News, Fox News, The Gateway Pundit, Cities 929, Not the Bee, The Epoch Times, Great Barrington Declaration, Warrior 12

Copyright 2021, Dean A. George© 

This Talk is Just What the Doctor Ordered

Talk about speaking truth to power! Dr. Daniel Stock is an Indiana family physician who shared his professional expertise at a community school board meeting August 6.

Dr. Stock’s eye-popping comments about Covid recommendations issued by the CDC, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Indiana Department of Health quickly went “viral.”


The gist of Dr. Stock’s illuminating comments were this: Every recommendation by the CDC, the NIH and the state board of health is contrary to all the rules of science.

Even worse, our government “betters” like Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Rochelle Walensky, are ignoring their organizations’ own scientific evidence to promote counter-factual treatments.

Stock came armed with more than commonsense and 30-plus years of medical experience. He also provided documents to the Mt. Vernon Community Schools board on a flash drive containing links to 22 formal studies pertaining to Covid treatment.

The documents included documentation on the success of treating Covid with prophylactics like hydrochloroquine, Ivermectin, zinc and Vitamin-D, the effectiveness of masks in combatting the spread of Covid (they’re not), Covid breakthrough infections in fully vaccinated health care workers, etc.

Also included on Stock’s flash drive were links to the Great Barrington Declaration, a treatise signed by over 850,000 physicians worldwide calling for Focused Protection to protect from Covid rather than draconian worldwide lockdowns and experimental vaccines, and a Heritage Foundation study showing how mask mandates and lockdowns don’t decrease Covid case rates.

Other pertinent takeaways from Dr. Stock’s electrifying 7-minute comments:

  • Covid is here to stay like the common cold and influenza so masks and lockdowns are ineffective.
  • People who have had Covid should not get the experimental gene therapy vaccination because there is no benefit and they could experience 2-times to 4-times the side effects of those that haven’t had Covid but take the experimental vaccination.
  • Covid can’t be treated with a vaccine like polio or mumps because it contains animal reservoirs not found in earlier diseases. Translation: Covid doesn’t care if everyone in America is vaccinated or not.
  • The experimental gene therapy vaccination is responsible for the increase of Covid cases this summer because the vaccinated are infecting the unvaccinated – just the opposite of what government health agencies and the mainstream media are reporting when encouraging the non-vaccinated to get the jab.
  • The experimental gene therapy vaccination is counterproductive and can cause antibody-mediated viral enhancement, a condition where a vaccine makes the virus worse than it would have been with native infection and herd immunity.

NOTE: Attention military service members and pro athletes: the experimental gene therapy vaccination can be especially problematic to those 30 and younger but the Department of Defense and NFL are mandating it anyway. (August 11th the CDC was recommending pregnant women be vaccinated.)

The question on the table is why are the CDC, NIH and public health bureaucrats telling us to follow the science fiction and doctoring up counter-factual data? Knowing why would be just what the doctor ordered. Until then I prescribe getting medical information from doctors in the trenches rather than government spin doctors pushing an unknown and suspicious agenda.

Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to all those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. 

Sources: RedState, Real Clear Politics, Hancock County Patriots, Great Barrington Declaration, Heritage Foundation, YouTube

Photo sources: YouTube, RateMDS

Copyright 2021, Dean A. George© 


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