The Bias of Today’s “Political Experts”

To say that Republican presidents historically poll poorly with “political experts” is no surprise considering such wunderkinds think that “leading from behind” was a serious foreign policy and “Cash for Clunkers” helped save the U.S. auto industry and Planet Earth.

Last week during Presidents’ Day week the “Never Put America First” New York Times published survey results ranking American presidents.

Naturally those rankings from greatest president to worst rankled conservatives and anyone else with a political IQ higher than their shoe size.

The NYT surveyed 170 members of the American Political Science Association (APSA) and their “experts” listed President Trump as the worst president in American history.

On the bright side, it is the first time since the election that liberals have listed Trump first in anything. Baby steps.

Here are three reasons why the survey results made no sense:

  1. Trump was sworn in as President just 13 months ago. Judging the performance of a president at the quarter mile mark of a four-year term would be like giving college students a one-hour time limit on an exam, collecting their work 15 minutes after the test started and counting wrong all their unanswered questions.

Considering the headwinds this president has encountered from Democrats, their PR flaks in the mainstream media and all the mutinous denizens of the D.C. swamp, his accomplishments in just one year are incredible.

2. ASPA bills itself as the leading organization for the study of political science and numbers more than 12,000 members in dozens of countries.

Considering that three percent of their surveyed dweeps said that Washington, Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt should be included next on Mt. Rushmore (ahem, they already are), this “expert” organization may want to use ringers from different countries on the next survey.

I’d suggest maybe starting with Russia since they seem to know a lot about American politics and have a history of colluding with Democrats.

3. Aside from their blatant bias and questionable metrics, there are other irregularities in the group’s survey results that are lacking in logic and commonsense. For example:

  • Why did Barack Obama climb from 18th to 8th in greatness from 2014 – 2018? Should we assume it’s because he wasn’t in the Oval Office for over a year? In other words, the longer time away he is from the levers of power, the greater his awesomeness?
  • William Henry Harrison dropped three slots from 39 – 42. Harrison spent just one month in office before dying of pneumonia in 1841. Why was he considered a bad president considering he didn’t serve long enough to mess anything up? And what changed that he was voted even worse than four years ago? Was it because he didn’t get a pneumonia shot?
  • George W. Bush jumped five slots from 35 – 30. My personal theory is that’s because “Dubya” wasn’t caught sending plane loads of cash to help fund Iranian hegemony and terrorism and didn’t illegally use America’s intelligence agencies to influence a presidential election.

Good thing for Obama this is the 21st century. If he’d sent millions in cash to an enemy state in the 19th century he conceivably would have been tarred and feathered at best or punished as a traitor at worst.

But this is today so he keeps his pension, his Secret Service detail and is free to collect ungodly speaking fees from anywhere in the world – even from Russia!

And George Bush is ranked less odious by political historians. A win-win.

Final thought: Critiquing the historical legacy of any administration months after a president leaves office is absurd.  Judging that same legacy while a president still occupies the Oval Office is insane.

  • Thanks for reading Dean Riffs. Welcome to those who love American liberty, free enterprise, and who believe God has blessed our country. For those who believe in open borders, safe spaces, and who think free speech is hate speech, move on – there’s nothing here for you to see.


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    Copyright 2018, Dean A. George©


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